Chapter 8.

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I sit on the side of the rode thinking of how I'm going to answer him. Should I take him back? I shouldn't... but he seemed so sincere. But he made out with someone minutes after he left me.

I was interrupted by my thoughts as a black car pulled in front of me. "Hello Ti-Ti!" Harry said cheekily.

"By the end of the week I'm going to have so many nicknames." I laugh as I get into the seat.

He starts the car. I look over at him who seems to be consentraiting on the road.

This boy is difficult. First he seems like a total cocky, rich guy who doesn't care much about anyone besides himself. Then when it was just is two he seemed so sweet. Then next thing I know he's best friends with this jerk!

"You like what you see?" Harry smirks looking down at me. I didn't realize I was staring at him that long.

"What is there to see?" I scoff, recognizing his cocky self I met this morning.

"More if we hang out later." He says confidently.

"Wanna know what I really see Harry?" I ask seriously. He simply nods, still keeping his eyes on the road.

"I see a confused boy who doesn't know who he really is. I see someone who loves who they are, can have a mean side, but is completely confused on who's his friend and who's not." I explain quickly.

He smiles. "What? Why are you smiling?" I ask.

"You don't get it Tiana." He laughs.

I look at him confused. "Then why don't you tell me what I don't get." I say quietly.

"I will, just come inside first." He says. I notice how we sit in a driveway of an apartment. Nice size, a light pink and yellow. I look down the street and notice my house only a block away.

We both walk up. I'm slowly behind as his long legs take longer strolls then mine.

He shuts the door and falls onto a nearby couch. I join him sitting only about a foot from his body.

"Wanna know who I really am?" He asks, facing all of his attention on me. I nod waiting for him to continue.

"My name is Harry Styles. I'm 18 from Cheshire. My best friend is Louis Tomlinson, who is actually 19, Zayn Malik and Liam Payne, both age 18. I hang out with a douche named Kyle so I can be in the popular group and look at hot cheerleaders. I'm as bi as can be. I kiss both guys and girls if I could. My childhood friend was Niall Horan but we drifted apart. Now the only thing I want to change about myself is myself." he says.

"Why are you riding the bus if you've got a car?" I laugh, changing the subject for a moment.

"I took my sisters car." he laughs.

I filter everything in my mind. Right, eighteen three bestfriends, wants to change, childhood friend Niall- Niall!

"You like Niall?" I smile.

"Used to." he says, leaning back in his chair.

"Well why don't you anymore?"

"Because he lets people beat on him for being gay. and he kind of a loser actually."

I start to fill with anger and my blood boils. The nerve of this guy!

"I have to go." I say throwing my bag over my shoulder.

"Where?" he asks standing up as I do. "My boyfriends house."

"Who's your boyfriend."

I breathe a deep breath. "Kyle." I say as I walk out his house and began for my house.

I walk to my house. Not really thinking about much. Just everything that went on on this horrific day. I walk into my house and find my mum passed out on the couch with a bear bottle in her lap. Someone isn't have a good day at work. Sighing I roll my eyes and walk up to my brothers room.

"Jonas?" I ask through the door.

"Come in." Jonas mumbles.

I open the door and find my brother laying on the bed throwing a baseball in the air.

"Hey squirt." I say as I ruffle his hair.

"Don't call me squirt. I'm thirteen." he says as he sits up.

I sit with him on the bed and let out another sigh. "Promice me one thing Jo." I say as I face him.

"Which is?"

"Don't turn into a jerk. Don't bully girls alright? Don't break their hearts. Promise me that Jo."

He looks at me strangely. "Its official. You've lost it." He laughs as he stand up and sits at his desk.

I smile as well. "Wanna go to the arcade?" I ask him.

He nods happily.

I quickly go into my room and pull out twenty dollars.

"Let's go." I smile as we walk out the door.

The arcade is only about ten minutes away from our house so it doest take long.

We walk in and immediately I see people running around and having a blast.

"Ill give you five now, and when you want me just come find me." I say.

He nods, takes the money, and runs off.

I find a Booth and order a pizza.

This is a place where kids like me can get away from their parents. People over twenty aren't aloud in the arcade area. I love this place.

After finishing eating I get up and search the arcade for anyone I know.

I smile as I look over at a Booth on the other side of the place and see Niall swallowing down a large pizza. I walk over to him.

"Hey Niall." I smile.

He looks at me as well. With a smile which makes myself feel good for once being around this young boy.

"You could sit if you'd like..." he says hesitantly.

I nod and sit on the other side. He tells me about himself.

His full name is Niall James Horan. His real hair is brown and he has an older brother.

"Niall can I ask you one more question?" I ask slowly.

He shyly nods.

I take a deep breath and began. "Why do you get bullied?" I ask.

He smile fades and he puts his pizza on the plate in front of him.

He takes a moment before answering, "Because I'm bi and I just told the only person who didn't know that today. My girlfriend. Who then thought it was gross so she told everyone else who didn't know. I'm just bi."


A/n: Oooooh!!!!! now you know why Niall gets bullied! Wait... but why doesnt Harry get bullied? hmmmmm????What do you think about this chapter? Comment and vote! thanks!

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