Mabel's Guide to Color

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Mabel was laughing boisterously at the camera in her bedroom, while Dipper was trying to read a book, and Mara was having target practice with a blaster, aiming at a picture of Nathaniel on the wall.

Mabel finally stopped laughing, and put her hands on her hips.

"And that's Mabel's guide to laughing for an uncomfortable amount of time."

A wide grin suddenly appeared on her face.

"Oh, wait, here comes more!"

She started laughing once again, and Dipper shoved his book closer to his face in a rather annoyed manner.

Suddenly, Mabel was knocked to the ground by a pillow, which had been thrown at her face from the side.

"Ah, that's better" said Mara, mostly to herself as she redirected her attention back to the picture of Nathaniel. She held up the blaster, aimed, and fired, managing to nail Nathaniel right in the nose, and creating a new hole in the wall.

"Today, Mabel's guide to...color!"

Mabel was now in the attic, but she was alone this time and the lights had been switched off. There was a projector set up in the middle of the room, and she had the remote to it in one hand.

"Ah, color. It's all around us!" Mabel was saying, as she flipped the presentation to the first slide.

It was a picture of Dipper in the car, his expression green from car sickness and his arms crossed over his stomach as he tried not to hurl.

"From the green of a nauseous triplet brother..."

She flipped to the next slide. It was a picture of Stan's nose, which had been zoomed in.

" the weird orange color of an old man's nose..."

She flipped to the third slide, which was a picture of Mara's arm that had a sharp, prominent cut right in the middle with blood dripping out of it.

" the red of a triplet sister's scrape..."

Mabel flipped to the fourth slide, which was of Soos with his thumbs up in front of a toilet.

" the beautiful sky blue of toilet water."

Soos pointed excitedly at the picture.

"I'm in that one!" he exclaimed.

Mabel smiled.

"Yes you are Soos" she said. "But it wasn't always this way."

She flipped to the next slide, which was a black and white picture from the Great Depression of several solemn men standing in line. It was from a newspaper, and the heading below the picture read "When will the Depression End?"

"According to history, the whole world was black and white until color was invented by a magic wizard named Crayon-dalf the Fabulous!"

The slide afterwards was the exact same image, only some of the men's outfits had been colored in by a variety of crayons, and there was a doodle of a wizard taped in the corner.

Mabel then turned back towards the camera.

"What's your favorite color, Gravity Falls?"

Pacifica turned towards the camera.

"Hot pink."

Grenda thought for a little before finally coming up with an answer.


Dipper had been trying to figure out something in the journal when Mabel asked him.

"Wendy" he said, not really paying attention. He then looked up in confusion. "Wait, what was the question again?"

The Triplets' Guides (Original Version)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora