Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained: The Hide Behind

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Dipper had been busy scribbling on a new piece of cardboard in the triplets' room when Mabel finally turned on the camera. He was wearing a backpack that was filled with all sorts of gear, from a pickaxe to a butterfly net.

"We're on" Mabel whispered to her brother.

"Oh!" said Dipper, before clearing his throat and turning towards the camera.

"Hello, and welcome back to Dipper's guide to the unexplained" he said.

Mabel held up a miniature UFO keychain, and pressed a button, causing the little keychain to make a mysterious noise to add to the effect.

"Thank you" said Dipper. "Today, we discover Gravity Falls anomaly number one thirty two. The hide behind."

Dipper held up the open journal to the camera.

"Local lumberjacks tell of a mysterious creature, always just out of sight" he said, before holding up his own photos of suspicious footprints. "But these footprints suggest that it might actually be real!"

He then turned the camera back to his own face.

"But either way, I intend to find out."

Suddenly, Mabel popped up behind Dipper and started to wave her arms around.

"Argh! Hide Behind!" she yelled.

Dipper screamed in surprise, and dropped the camera on the floor.

Mabel couldn't help but laugh.

Dipper was now interviewing Manly Dan the lumberjack on the hide behind. They were standing several yards in front of his three sons, who were both sawing a large tree next to a log cabin.

"Hide behind? Oh he's real all right" Manly Dan was saying. "Real as my beard!!!!"

He pointed behind himself.

"He was behind me once. He made this sound: Ch ch ch ch ch! Real spooky."

"Uh, Dad?" said one of his sons from behind, his voice rising with a fearful tone.

The tree that they had been trying to cut down was now starting to shake uncontrollably, threatening to fall down on top of them.

"It's coming down!"

All three of his sons bolted out of the way, as far away from the tree as they could just as it started to fall down.

"DADDY'S DOING A MOVIE!!!!" Manly Dan yelled, as the tree fell right on top of the log cabin. "He's doing a movie now."

Dipper was now in Greasy's Diner, interviewing Lazy Susan as she was pouring coffee for one of her guests.

"Can I get a refill now?" her guest asked. "Refill?"
Lazy Susan ignored him and turned towards Dipper, not even noticing how much the coffee mug she was pouring was overfilling.

"Oh, the hide behind is definitely real" she said. "Might even be behind me right now."

She looked behind her.

"Let me see."

She suddenly started spinning in circles, coffee splattering everywhere as she did so.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa..."

Dipper was now on the Mystery Shack porch, interviewing Stan about the hide behind. He had a rather bored expression on his face, and a can of pitt cola in his hand.

"Don't believe every legend you hear, kid" Stan said. "The people in this town are literally the dumbest people in the world. Literally."

Lazy Susan was still spinning in circles, looking for the hide behind.

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