Mara's Guide to Anger Management

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When the camera finally turned on, Mara was sitting in the attic, but this time she had a rather irritated expression on her face, like she didn't want to be there.

"Welcome back to Mara's guide" she said grudgingly. "Where today is Mara's guide to...anger management."

She obstinately held up a new cardboard sign to the camera, which had the words 'ANGER MANAGEMENT' written in thick black ink.

A few hours ago, Mabel and Mara were sitting at the table of the kitchen, each of them with a fan of cards in their hands. They were staring at each other with equally intense glares.

Mabel grinned at her sister.

"Let's make this game sweeter" she said. "If you win, I have to go an entire week without any sweaters. But if I win, you have to go for an entire day without losing your temper."

Mara grinned as she looked down at her cards. She had a 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 all in clubs.

She smirked at her.

"You're on, sister."

Mabel giggled wickedly as she looked down at her own cards. She had an ace, king, queen, jack, and a ten all in spades...

Mara was back in the attic in the present day.

"Ok, I've been reading a few articles online, and I think that I can do this. First thing's first, gotta get out all the angries..."

She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, then stood up calmly and took in another deep breath with her hands hanging loosely at her sides...before her eyes suddenly snapped open and she screamed in rage.

She ran wildly around the room, attacking any objects that were in her path. She knocked over the lamp, kicked aside Dipper's pile of books, and then bent down and flipped her bed upwards into the air. She then turned her head up towards the ceiling, and with her fists shaking in the air, screamed so loudly that the window actually shattered behind her.

After a few seconds, she turned towards the camera, placing her hands on her hips and a smile on her face, as if the whole thing never even happened.

"Okay, I'm good now."

Dipper was downstairs eating breakfast at the kitchen table with Mabel while reading the journal when Mara walked into the room.

"Hey, guys" said Mara, as she took a seat in between her two siblings.

"Morning, Mara" said Dipper, not looking up from the book.

"Good morning, Mara!" Mabel chirped, a huge grin on her face. "Could you get me the milk?"

"No problem" said Mara, as she got up from the table and made her way towards the fridge. She opened the refrigerator door, only to be met by an explosion of glitter, which erupted all over her face.

Mara yelped in surprise, and when the dust finally settled, her entire top half of her body was covered in pink sparkles.

Mabel burst out into laughter.

"April Fools!"

"But it's the middle of July!" said Mara, as she felt her face starting to burn in fury. But remembering her anger management day, she closed her eyes, and forced herself to take in deep breaths, eventually managing to calm herself down.

"But it's okay" Mara said with a much more controlled, albeit a bit shaky, tone. "Because I can take anything you dish out today."

Mabel smirked.

"Anything, dear sister?"

Mara shot a determined glance back at Mabel.


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