Mabel's Guide to Dating

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Mabel was in the triplets' bedroom, wearing workout clothes consisting of a purple tank top, pink sports shorts, and a matching headband. There was also a whistle hung around her neck.

"And that concludes Mabel's guide to fitness" Mabel said to the camera. "With Waddles, the jog hog!"

She gestured towards a treadmill, where Waddles was running. He was wearing red shorts and a matching sweat band, and there was an ice cream sundae that had been conveniently placed right in front of him.

Mabel got on her knees next to her pet.

"You want that sundae?" she asked. "You've gotta jog for it, jog hog!"

She punched the ground fiercely, before reverting back to her old self.

"Look at his little shorts."

"Today, Mabel's guide!"

Mabel was now sitting at a table, with stuffed animals on either side of her. There was also a mug of hot chocolate in her hands, which were resting on the table.

"As we all know, I'm a dating expert" she said, as she reclined backward. "In fact, I can't get the boys to leave me alone!"

Mabel was outside, holding a cardboard boy that she had drawn up to the window as she acted him out.

"Mabel, I love you so much, baby. Why won't you let me into your life?"

Mabel was back at the table, but this time, she was standing up as she pointed furiously at the window.

"You know what you did, Zach!" she yelled.

But it didn't take long for her to be back to her old self.

She turned towards the camera with her usual smile on her face.

"Today we're going to be testing the date-ability of three of Gravity Falls Swinging-est bachelors!"

Dipper, Soos, and Stan were sitting in chairs in the attic, with a cardboard sign labelled "Contestants" hanging over their heads.

Soos was grinning innocently.

Dipper had an uncomfortable expression on his face.

Stan was leaning back against his chair, looking rather disinterested.

"Soos!" Mabel announced.

Soos turned to his right.

"Get ready to fall in love, America!" he said, before finally realizing that something was off. "Am, am I looking at the right camera?"

"Dipper!" Mabel announced, not bothering to answer Soos's question.

Dipper gave her a questioning look.

"Who are you even making this for?"

"Grunkle Stan!" Mabel announced the last contestant.

Stan still looked bored.

"I'm only here because you promised bacon" he said.

Mabel tossed a piece of bacon to him, and Stan caught it in his mouth and started to chew happily.

"I'm pacified" he said, leaning back with a satisfied grin on his face.

Mabel turned towards the camera.

"They'll be competing for the beautiful bachelorette, Mara!"

Mara stepped into the camera's view, with a rather disapproving look on her face.

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