Mara's Guide to Age Amplifying

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Mara was in the Mystery Shack in the triplets' bedroom when she finally turned on the camera.

"Hi, I'm Mara Pines, and welcome to Mara's guide!" she said. "Today, I was going to see Bloody Zombies Regurgitate Human Intestines III: The Unnecessary Gore, but..."

Mara was at the ticket booth of the movie theater, about to buy her ticket.

"One ticket for the bloody zombies movie!" she said in an inappropriately cheerful tone, as she slapped nine bucks onto the counter and slid the money forward.

She then slapped five more bucks onto the counter and leaned forward, putting her hand over her mouth to whisper something.

"And here's some extra cash to keep your mouth shut about where this money came from."

However, the man behind the ticket booth gave her an uncompromising stare as he pushed her money back towards her.

"Sorry, kid, that's an R-rated movie" he said, pointing to the movie ratings above him. "At your age, you require the accompaniment of a parent or legal guardian."

"What?!" exclaimed Mara, her eyes widening in outrage. "I'll be the one to determine what I'm allowed to watch, you filthy little piece of-"

"And that's how I got banned from the Gravity Falls Movie Theater for life" Mara said, back in the triplets' room.

"Which is why today is Mara's guide to...the age amplifier!"

She held up a new invention for the camera to see.

"I'll simply zap myself with this baby, and I'll be an adult in no time!"

She turned the dial on the side of the device.

"Just gotta enter the age, 24, and...done!"

She fired the device at herself, a blast of blue energy hitting her small body...

When the dust had finally settled and the camera was back on, Mara was checking out her new body.

She was obviously much taller than she had been before, about five foot four inches, her hair still pulled back into its usual ponytail, though it looked much longer.

Mara pumped a fist excitedly.

"Yes! It worked!" she said, in a voice that was a little lower than it usually was. "Ha! Ha! Natural laws of time space continuum, eat your heart out!"

She then realized that she was still wearing her twelve-year-old clothes, which were way too small for her.

"Um, I think I'm gonna need a change of clothes."

Mara was now standing in line at the movie theater ticket booth, wearing a dark green mystery shack t-shirt with shorts. She had pulled her hair down as well, to make herself seem as unrecognizable as possible.

She walked up to the counter rather confidently, and slapped her money down onto the counter.

"One ticket for Bloody Zombies Regurgitate Human Intestines III: The Unnecessary Gore!"

The man took her money, and gave her a ticket with a rather disinterested expression on his face.

"Auditorium 4, on your left" he said, as Mara bolted into the theater enthusiastically.

"Just don't puke in the theater, ma'am."

A few hours later, Mara exited the theater with a crazed expression on her face.

"That. Was. Awesome!" she was saying to the camera. "Especially the part when the zombie's decapitated head started to splatter blood all over the entire scene in 3D! Although, the man sitting next to me puking in my popcorn wasn't really as great."

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