Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained: Candy Monster

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That night, Dipper was sitting in the triplets' bedroom with a basket of rather peculiar chicken strips sitting in his lap.

"Well, that concludes Gravity Falls anomaly number thirteen" he was saying to the camera. "The mobius chicken strip."

He held up a chicken strip for the camera to see. It was strangely shaped like an infinity sign.

"It's infinitely delicious!"

He was about to shove the chicken strip into his mouth, when suddenly a portal device was thrown right past his face, colliding against the wall next to him.

A purple colored portal suddenly appeared right next to Dipper, sucking the chicken strip right out of his hand.


Dipper turned around to find the other end of the portal, opening where Mara was sitting on her bed with her hands held out.

The chicken strip fell from the portal into her outstretched hands.

"Thanks, Dip!" she said cheerfully, before shoving it into her mouth.

Dipper frowned at her.

Suddenly, a creature bolted right past him, knocking the camera off its stand.

Dipper yelped in surprise.

"Whoa! Hey! What the?"

He picked the camera off of the ground, and ran over to his sisters.

"Guys, did you see that?" he asked urgently.

"What the heck was that thing?" exclaimed Mara, hopping out of her bed and joining her brother in waking up Mabel.

"Mabel!" Dipper exclaimed, poking his sister in an attempt to wake her up.

"Never" Mabel said in her sleep, as she turned over in her bed. "Let me sleep forever."

"Mabel, wake up!" Mara shouted, shaking her sister.

Mabel refused to wake up.

"Some creature just jumped out of nowhere!" yelled Dipper. "It's eating our leftover Summerween candy!"

Mabel immediately sat up, wide awake as she wiped her eyes.



Dipper aimed the camera at the creature, which was hiding in a tire as it shoved candy into its mouth.

It was about the size of a basketball, with practically no hair except for the little hairs sticking out all over its body, sharp teeth, and red eyes looking in separate directions. It was crawling on four legs.

"Ew" said Mabel, as the weird creature crawled out of the tire and started to screech loudly. "It's like a...naked little man."

"Ok" said Dipper hurriedly, holding up a new sign to the camera. "This is now Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained number seventy six...uh, that thing."

The monster scooped some more candy off of the ground, shoving it all into his mouth greedily, before catching sight of a green jack-o-melon shaped candy bag.

"No!" said Mara firmly to the monster. "Put that down right now."

In response to her command, the monster started to lick the side of the bag.

"Oh, gross!"

Dipper had finished getting himself geared for his own attack on the monster.

He had stuffed animals strapped to his chest, a bag full of golf clubs on his back, and a bucket in one hand.

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