Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained: Giant Tooth

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Dipper was standing outside on the shore of a lake when he finally turned on the camera. He was looking at it with a rather serious expression.

"Welcome back to Dipper's guide to the unexplained" he said to the camera, holding up the latest sign. "Anomaly number forty two: the tooth."

He turned the camera so that it was facing an enormous tooth the size of a shed sitting lopsided on the shore.

Mabel was standing near it, poking it with a stick, while Mara was just climbing to the top of it.

"We're here for scale!" said Mabel cheerfully.

Mara finally reached the top, and she stood up onto her feet. However, she suddenly started to lose her balance, and she waved her arms frantically and leaned forward, managing not to fall off.

"Hey, careful with that tooth!" Dipper scolded.

Mara put her hands on her hips and frowned.

"Oh, I'm okay, thanks for asking" she said. "But I don't matter, just as long as the tooth's okay."

Dipper sighed, then continued to speak to the camera.

"I found it yesterday while I was...practicing."

Yesterday, Dipper was standing on the same shore, but this time, he was playing a tuba that was larger than him.

However, he suddenly noticed something very peculiar further along down the shore.

He pointed in its direction.

"Hey, is that a giant tooth?"

Dipper was now right next to the tooth, putting his hand against its enamel.

"Strangely human, but it's gigantic" he said. "It's bigger than any fish or lake monster I've ever seen. And we're gonna find out where it came from."

Dipper turned on the camera again. This time, he was in the fishing shop of Tate McGucket, who was standing behind the counter with his back facing him.

"Tooth?" Tate was saying, as he put a few guns away. "No, I don't know nothing about a tooth."

"I'm thinking about paddling out on that lake tonight" Dipper said.
"Bit of advice, boy, you see bubbles on that lake, run" Tate said, suddenly with a rather serious tone.

"What, why?"

Tate finally turned around.

"No questions, get that camera out of here!"

It was night time when Dipper finally turned the camera back on. He was on the shore of the lake, and he picked up a flashlight off the ground and shone it on his face.

"I'm here at the lake to investigate" he said. "I brought Mabel and Mara for backup."

He turned the camera towards his sisters.

Mara held up an invention at the camera.

"I brought this rocket blaster, in case we need to make a get-away."

Mabel grinned at the camera.

"And I brought Bear-O, my adorable childhood puppet!" she said, holding up the hideous bear puppet, which had stuffing falling out of it.


Mabel then turned towards Bear-O.

"Ain't that right, honey?"

She then acted out the bear puppet.

"Did somebody say honey?"

Mabel started laughing.

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