Chapter 2💫🌟✨

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Rihanna's P.O.V

Rick and I were currently in our room getting ready to go out tonight to one of my good friend Nicki party. I already know we're going to have a great time because Nicki knows how to throw a fantastic party, and since I haven't been out partying in a while, I'm excited to go and have some fun with my husband and girlfriends.

I walked in the bathroom where my husband was shaving his face. "Babe"

He turned to me with shaving cream all over his face. "Yes baby"

"Which one" I asked, holding up both dresses that I picked out but couldn't decide on which one to wear tonight.

He put his hand on his chin, staring at the dresses I was holding up intensively. "This one" he said, pointing at one of the dresses. "The yellow brings out your eyes color."

I smiled "I was thinking about wearing that one too."

"great mind thinks alike."

"And you know me too well."

He smiled. "That I do. What time do we have to be there again?"

"At nine, and mom texted me. she's on her way" I replied as I walked out of the bathroom.

I dropped the dress that I was going to wear on the bed and put the other one back in my closet.

I sit at my vanity to do my makeup and hair since I decided I wanted to do it myself. Sometimes I just love to do my own glam.

Halfway through doing my makeup, Chanel walked in my room.

"Hey mom"

I looked at her through the mirror. "Hey sweetie, how was the movie with your friends."

She sits on the bed "it was alright the movie wasn't all that"

"You was disappointed huh."

"Yep. Why are you getting all glamorous to go tonight."

"Um the last time I checked I am the mother."

She held up her arms in surrender "Jeez okay. I was just wondering"

"Well, we are going to Nicki birthday party, and your grandma is coming over to stay with you and your sister tonight."

"You know, I'm old enough to stay home alone with Ari right"

"I am not leaving you home alone with my baby, and besides your grandma wanted to spend some time with y'all."

"Okay Mother. Where is Dad"

"He's in the bathroom getting ready-."

"Mommyyy!!" I heard Ariel cry out from her room.

I got up quickly and ran to her room with Chanel following behind me.

When I enter her room, she is sitting on the floor with tears streaming down her face and holding her bloody hand.

I kneeled down in front of her. "Oh My God! what happened?" I asked looking at her bloody finger.

"I Hurt my fingerrr!!" she said crying.

I pulled her into my arms, "Oh my poor baby."

I tried to touch her finger, to get a good look at it, but She flinched and pulled it alway "no mama it hurts!" She cried.

"I know baby. I know." Come on, let's go clean it up and put a band-aid on it." I said taking her other hand and walking her to the bathroom.

I picked her up and sat her on the counter. She's still crying. "It hurts so much mommy"

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