Rain on Me

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I'm looking in the mirror at this woman down and out. She's internally dyin' I know this was not what loves about.
       - Ashanti

Seana Washington
2 months later

I silently cried as I stared at the two lines on the pregnancy test

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I silently cried as I stared at the two lines on the pregnancy test.



I'm pregnant with Sanity's baby.

I'm so scared because he doesn't like kids. No scratch that, he hates them!

I was shaking as I sat on the toilet staring at the lines hoping one would disappear. All of a sudden I heard a door slam. He was home, and I knew what would be coming. I quickly trashed the test and met him in our bedroom.

"Hey baby, how was your day." I tried to kiss him but he pushed me away from him.

"Why you always so damn thirsty!" Thirsty? How am I being thirsty for trying to kiss my man? Not unless he's not my man.

"I just missed you San. Did you miss me."

"Not really. You stay on a nigga and don't give me time to miss you."

"You be mad if another nigga was missing me though." I mumbled. I wasn't bold enough to say it out loud.

All of a sudden I felt a ringing in my ear. He punched the side of my face and connected with my ear. I hope this doesn't affect my hearing. And this muhfucka heavy handed. I should of just shut my fucking mouth!

"You know this yo fault right?" What? He's delusional.

"Every time I hit you, it's because you don't know how to shut yo fucking mouth. I hate hitting you but you deserve that shit. You think you can mumble shit and not get fucked up. Huh?!"

"No." I said, barely audible.

"What?! You can be loud a minute ago, now you on hush? Say it witcha chest!" He punched me in my chest. I immediately lost my breath.

I went to the Doctors office and they diagnosed me with breathing issues. They didn't say asthma but it has the same effects. It was caused by Sanity constantly punching me in the chest. I had to tell the doctor that it was sudden after I got into an intense fight.

"Sanity I—I can't breathe." It was a struggle to say that, but I had to.

"I don't got time for this shit." He walked out of the room and slammed the door. I can't take this anymore. I hate my life now. I wish I would have went to New York with Niko.

I thought about how my life would have played out if I chose to follow my heart. My heart is still with him but I don't know if he feels the same way.

All of a sudden I got a text message. I don't know who would try to text me because no one ever does.

NikoBaybee🥰: Hey how are you Babygirl? Something told me to contact you and check on your mental. I really miss you, and so does Riko. She said that she loves you and you have to visit New York some time. I love you Sea, and if no one else in the world tells you, you matter. You matter to me Sea, and I promise no matter what you say I will come back for you. Take care of yourself and stay well, mentally and physically. I love you Babygirl, please text me back.

Bestie🥵: I love you too Niko. And I'll be waiting🥺💕😘

I closed my messages and started to bawl my eyes out. I heard Sanity barge into the room and ask me what's wrong. I didn't even answer because it's fuck him right now. I heard my phone ding and San picked it up. Oh shit! I know it's Niko.

"Who the fuck is Niko Baybee and why he talm bout he love you and he's coming to get you? And you text that nigga back— As soon as he said back, his fist connected with my nose.

My nose started to pour out blood and I felt numb. He started to choke me while punching me over and over again. He dragged me into the closet and threw my empty suitcase at me. It hit my face but I didn't feel it, because he numbed my face already.

"Pack yo stuff and get the fuck out ma shit!" I had no where to go, and I'm pregnant.

"I have no where to go Sanity!"

"That ain't my prollem now! Go!" I crawled near him and smelled alcohol all over him. What did he do, bathe in it?

As I crawled over to him he kicked me in my face. I flew backwards and sobbed. He walked over and spit in my face. I have never felt so Low and disrespected.

He was about to kicked me again, but I said—

"Wait I'm pregnant!"

"You what?!"


He took his foot and slammed it into my belly. He kept it up until I lost count of how many times his size 12 foot connected with my flat belly. He most likely killed my baby. Now I'm truly alone.

"There you go. I just saved you a trip to the abortion clinic. Now get the fuck outta ma crib. Now!"

I began to pack my clothes without another word and I could feel him staring into my soul. He mumbled slick shit under his breath about how the baby wasn't his, or how I would be an unfit parent. I ignored him, because he wasn't worth it.

I dragged my sore body to the door with no destination in mind. I had no one, not even my baby.

As I began to walk down the street I saw an 18 wheeler truck coming from afar.

I had nothing else to live for. The only thing I would have lived for most likely died tonight.

Goodbye World

Hopefully I can live a better life beyond this cruel world.

I tried.

I stepped out in front of the truck anticipating its arrival. This is it—

I'm back again, I know I know!
As always don't forget to comment and vote, please keep in mind that this is my first story so it may not be the best. Also this is not edited.
Until next time ✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾

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