CHAPTER 5- Rachel's POV

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Thanks so much to annabethchaseLOL for ongoing support as well as some new peeps that I can't remember the names of. Sorry I didn't upload sooner but Thanksgiving prevented this and so did the fact that I'm having a writer's block. I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Rachel's POV

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid oracle! I was having a really good dream! Geeze!" I yelled at what was basically myself. Then I saw I had company,

"Oh hi Annabeth. Sorry about that." Then I saw the look on her face.

"Don't tell me I just made a prophecy for you! I thought that the oracle was just waking me up. It does that sometimes. Anyway... What did I say?"

Annabeth repeated the prophecy for me.

"What does it mean?" I thought aloud.

Annabeth just looked away.

"Okay so I don't believe you came here to get a prophecy based on the look on your face. What is it that you came here to say."

"Percy contacted me last night. And--"

I cut her off. " Wait what? How? When? Where? Why?"

"You sound like your playing 20 questions. He contacted me through a dream last night when I was in bed because he loves me. "

Now I knew we had already sorted out this whole Percy/Annabeth Percy/Rachel thing but hat didn't stop me from being jealous. Why did he contact Annabeth? I'm the oracle for the gods' sake!

Calm down Rachel. Calm down. You knew that you couldn't go out with Percy when you took this job. He obviously is madly in love with Annabeth and you have no right to interfere. This is none of your--

"Umm Rachel? You still there?" Annabeth said interrupting my train of thought.

"What? Oh sorry. Continue with the story." I replied, putting on a fake smile.

She looked at me with those grey eyes with a thoughtful look before starting again.

"Anyway. So yeah he contacted me last night and spoke to me in my dream. He said he had not lost his memory and that he wanted to try something. Ummm well then he said something and all the sudden everything exploded. I woke up immediately and well... umm.. found out that I have the powers of a child of Poseidon." Annabeth explained with a red face.

I didn't know what she was embarrased about but I had a feeling there was something she wasn't telling me. I didn't press her though.

"So you can like breathe underwater and stuff."

She nodded cautiously as if she were afraid I might scold her or something.

As a matter of fact I was mad but I did my best to hide it. Powers of Poseidon in Annabeth! Grrrr...

"I told Chiron and he believes that this should stay a secret at least for now."

"That's a good idea," I replied simply. I was still trying not to get angry at Annabeth.

Down at camp there came the noise of the conch shell horn signaling that it was time for breakfast.

"Are you coming?" Annabeth asked me with no emotion in her voice what-so-ever. She obviously was still in shock of about what had happened to her. Whether it was Percy's "power-share" thing or the prophecy I'd just said, I don't know.

"I'll go down later." I replied

Annabeth lifted her grey eyes one more time and then walked out.

As soon as she left I exploded with anger.

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