CHAPTER 16- Percy's POV

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Percy's POV

It was Annabeth.

I was not prepared for this. I saw her and I couldn't speak. So... Since I couldn't talk, I didn't the most sensible thing. I kissed her. Yes everybody was watching but at that moment in time I didn't care. I missed her so much.

"Bleeah!" I heard and I immediately looked up,

"Don't I at least get a hello?" Grover complained.

I helped Annabeth up and then ran over to my best friend.

"Perrrrcy! I've missed you!"

"You too G-man," I said giving him a one-armed hug. (my other arm was still around Annabeth).

"Hey Rachel. How's life?"

"Fine. Searching for you was starting to annoy me though." she said jokingly.

"Who are you?" I asked addressing the three demigods standing in the corner.

"I'm Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus." the Latino guy with curly black hair and mischievous smile introduced.

"Piper. Piper McLean." said the girl with brown hair. "Daughter of Aphrodite."

"And I'm Jason Grace, son of Jupiter." the last boy said.

"You mean Zeus," I corrected him. Man I was sick of Roman names. I was so confused the first week...

"Nope. I mean Jupiter. I belong at this camp, not yours." he said.

"Hmm... Wait did you say Jason Grace?" I asked. That name...

"Yes. And if you are wondering yes my sister is Thalia like we had the same mom AND dad." he said jumping to conclusions. Gods I was hating this guy more by the minutes.

"No... I was not wondering that. I had already guessed that." I lied. What's wrong with trying to show off?

"I just heard a few people wondering where a 'Jason Grace' had gone. Especially this one girl, Reyna. Sometimes she would cry. But it was just her and a few others." I said to him.

The girl named Piper looked really uncomfortable. Uh oh... Love triangle. I was so glad that my relationship was simple. Annabeth and Percy. <3

"Oh by the way. My name is Percy Jackson. Son of Poseidon."

"Everyone was talking about you at camp." the boy named Leo said. "You are a big deal over there."

I felt the blood rise to my cheeks. Oh great now I'm blushing.

"So... Why did you run out here anyways?" Grover asked.

Oh yeah. Forgot about that for a moment. "Well... I know what's going on here and I'm not sure if these guys are going to accept us Greek demigods. Maybe I should bring you six in and not everyone else."

"Good plan Seaweed Brain." Annabeth approved looking up at me. I got lost in her beautiful grey eyes for a moment but then looked at the others.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"I guess." Rachel said.

"Bleaaah! Let go!" Grover bleated.

"Okay," Piper said.

"Yep." Jason answered.

"Ready as I'll ever be!" Leo chimed in.

"Of course." Annabeth said with a smile. It was so great to have her back.

"Then let's do this thing!" I said.

We walked over to the crack in the wall. I took a deep breath.

"Don't worry Seaweed Brain. I'm here." Annabeth reassured me and we plunged into the cave together.

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