CHAPTER 9- Piper's POV

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Piper's POV

We had been traveling for a day now with no problems at all. No monsters what-so-ever. It was unusually odd.

"Is it normal not to meet any monsters after a day if starting the quest?" I asked Annabeth.

"No," Annabeth replied. "I'm getting nervous. This is too easy."

All of the sudden the ship jolted. Annabeth and I were thrown to one side of the boat.

A huge sea serpent emerged from the water.

I started at it for a second just gawking and then Annabeth pulled me back into the real world.

"Speaking of monsters... Come on beauty queen, we got a serpent to slay!" Annabeth told me.

It was probably the length of a football field. Its body was probably four yards in diameter. It was huge.

Suddenly I heard a horn blow from one of the upper decks.

"Hunters of Artemis aim!" Thalia's voice was heard calling out. "Fire!"

The silver arrows shot across the sky and made their mark. But when the arrows hit the serpent they bounced right off its body. When they hit I saw a ripple of air and saw that it was wearing invisible armor.

"Oh great!" I thought to myself.

The whole ship erupted into chaos.

I watched as the other Aphrodite kids huddled together and started to go beneath the deck. From somewhere else on the boat I heard Rachel's scream. She probably just saw the monster. The little baby.

Together Annabeth and I ran towards the middle of the fight. Jason was already there, of course, and he was attempting to fight it off single handedly. As we approached I couldn't help but admire how beautiful he was. Again, Annabeth snapped me out of it.

"It has to be pierced in the mouth. That's its only vulnerable spot." she said probably calculating a whole bunch of things in her head. Man I still couldn't figure out how she could know all those things.

Leo ran up behind me and started to help Jason.

"Come on beauty queen help us out!" Leo shouted.

I started to run over to them as the serpent slammed it's massive head down on the deck right next to me.

I thought I was prepared for anything but nothing could have prepared me for this.

Now Annabeth never hated water but she never really went around it and she wasn't that awesome at canoeing. That's why Annabeth's act surprised me.

She ran up to the serpent, jumped onto it's head, and pretty much pulled the serpent into the blue depths below.


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