CHAPTER 10- Annabeth's POV

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Annabeth's POV

It was not until later that I thought about how worried people might be about me. I just acted impulsively.

I prepared myself for a crash landing against the water as the serpent plunged his head into the water. I closed my eyes waiting. Waiting... waiting... Nothing came. I opened my eyes.

I was still hanging on but if I hadn't opened my eyes... may the gods have helped me.

I quickly unsheathed my knife and drove it straight through its mouth. It jerked around a little bit before it stopped moving. Then it started to sink to the bottom of the sea.

Then I realized I was swimming. It seemed like a second nature to me. Just like walking.

I was about to clean the knife out of habit when I remembered I was underwater so it was looking brand new.

Swimming to the top of the water wasn't difficult at all. I emerged a few hundred yards away from the boat.

I quickly swam over to it. Once I got there I hesitated before calling out for help.

"...and then she just jumped onto its head and fell into the water!" I hears Piper's voice exclaim.

"Could she still be alive?" Jason asked.

"Why not? She's one tough chick." Leo commented. I took a mental note to punch him once I got up.

I couldn't listen to anymore of Leo's remarks so I started calling out.

"Annabeth?" Leo asked.

"Yes you dork! Now help me up." I snapped back at him.

Together Piper, Jason, and Leo hoisted me over the side of the boat. I had concentrated very hard on making myself wet so that it wouldn't look suspicious. I mean it already did but I had to try.

"Why did you do that??!!" Piper demanded.

"Well I was obviously taking the only chance we had at killing the serpent." I responded cooly.

"You could have died!" Leo said. "You--"

"Just get me a towel will you?" I growled back at him.

He scowled and then ran off.

"You okay?" Jason asked.

"Fine." I replied.

Leo came back with the towels and tried to wrap it around me but I just snatched it away from him. Before any of them could comment I started off for a little room in the ship.

I sat down on the cot and looked around. I was sharing a room with Rachel. I had made it very clear to her which side was hers and which side was mine.

Her half of the room was gold. She had painted it two days before we left. That was decorating day. She had also put up a variety of her drawings. I noticed she hadn't put the one of Percy up. I wondered if she did that for my sake or if she had thrown it away when I started dating Percy.

My side of the room wasn't that fancy. I had nailed a corkboard up and had tacked a few photos up. Onewas of my dad and I. Another was of Thalia, Grover, me and... I shudderd when I thought of him. Luke. I was glad he was dead but then again, he was like a brother to me. But he had hoped for something more... Something impossible. I folded the picture so that it was only Thalia, Grover and me. I tried to push his memory away by looking at the last picture.

It was of me and Percy. Last year his mom had finished her novel and published the book. It became rather popular and they earned some money. The day before my birthday Percy had told me that he wanted to take me to the movies and he came to pick me up.

When we started driving, instead of going to the movie theater we went to the airport and met his mom and step-dad. I asked him what we were doing there but he just ignored me. I told him I hadn't packed anything but he said he had taken care of it. I was still unsure but I trusted him.

The next day we arrived at our detination. I looked outside and what did I see? Greece. And of course, our first stop, after going to the hotel and stuff was the Parthenon. That was where Percy and I had taken the picture.

I checked my watch. It was 8:30 pm. I lay down on my bed and tried to get some rest. It took a while but finally I drifted off to sleep.


Again, I'm sooooooooo sorry for not posting sooner. COMMENT VOTE and FAN! Thanks!


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