CHAPTER 12- Hera's POV

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Hera's POV (thanks Jenny1397)

I have to admit. I am disappointed.

Olypmus was just starting to look like well.. Olympus, when that Athena kid stopped working on it and went into this depression/anger stage.

Okay okay maybe it is mostly my fault for taking away her "beloved Percy" but seriously? Stop all construction on Olympus and go crazy??!!

She didn't even made a statue of me yet.

I don't get it.

Anyways... I'm annoyed at the little brat. So selfish...

At least she is smart. She is going on a quest to save her boyfriend. Then they (hopefully) are going to join with the other camp and then on to Greece!

Well at least that is the plan.

Hopefully that Annabeth would follow the plan. Although, now that the Greek demigods have Jason (all thanks to the wonderful me!), they should be able to reach the Roman camp with no problem. Well... as long as Jason has that one special person.

Piper. That beauty queen is definitely special. And not just because of her random "Aphrodite blessing" moments that make her gorgeous. Oh yes she will play an important role in the future. A much bigger role than she ever can ever imagine.

Then again so is Annabeth. There she is again! That little brat is pretty much the key person in everything! She and Percy both. Together as a team.

In the first year she is like,"Eww he drools when he sleeps, but if he's going on a quest then ooh he's hot!"

Next year it's, "OMG he's a guinea pig but still cute! I must save him!"

Then Percy is like, "Must find Annabeth!!!"

Then Annabeth next year, "Calypso is going to pay for taking my man..."

Last year, the "best underwater kiss ever"

And then, ha ha! POOF! Say goodbye to Percy you little freak! Say hello to the amazing Jason!

Now, "I'm so depressed! No Seaweed Brain!! I must be heroic and save him!"

The drama queen.

But, nevertheless, she is vital. Without her, well let's just say things wouldn't be looking too good for ol' Seaweed Brain.

These four are the center of a new beginning. Together, they can complete the overall task.

Now, I'm not saying I know who the seven demigods of the new Great Prophecy are, I just believe that these four are meant to do great things.

I walk into the throne room and see that no one else is in there.

Doing a check I go through all the gods and goddesses out loud. Starting with the gods.

"1- Zeus. He can be anywhere. Probably he's out with another mortal. I sigh as I think about it.

2- Poseidon. Most likely underwater rebuilding his underwater castle and sulking.

3- Hephaestus. In his forges. Making some invention and probably not doing anything to fix his appearance.

4- Apollo. I have no idea.

5- Hermes. Well, he is everywhere at once. As our messenger he is usually out and about.

6- Ares. No doubt starting some fight. Maybe somewhere with Aphrodite.

7- Dionysus. Since Camp Halfblood is on the quest, he is free to go wherever he likes. Probably trying to get his hands on some wine.

"Now, the goddesses.

8- Me. I know where I am.

9- Demeter. Let me see... Yep, Winter. Probably avoiding the other gods and goddesses and being sad about being separated from her Persephone. Oh the cry baby.

10- Athena. Again, no clue.

11- Aphrodite. With Ares.

12- Artemis. With her hunters.

"Then there is Hades who must be in the Underworld." I finish.

"Don't forget me." I hear a soft voice. I recognize it as Hestia.

"Oh it's you." I mumble. I'm not very pleased to see her. It might be nice to be alone.

"Come to the hearth and see what is happening on the quest which you have caused."

Me being curious. Walk over.

Oh myself!!!

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