CHAPTER 21- Rachel's POV

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"And now ladies and gentlemen, Walt Disney will answer questions."

"Mr. Disney sir. Does percabeth4eva own the Percy Jackson series?" 

"Well. Why yes I think she--"

{he is interrupted by an important message.}

Walt gaspes. "This says she doesn't! This says that Rick Riordan owns Percy Jackson!"

He faints.



Rachel's POV

I had to stop them.

I got out of the bed and ran.

I ran and ran and ran.

Then I saw them.

Percy and a Roman were sword fighting. And then, suddenly they both fell.

It looked like Percy fell because he was cut.

And the Roman fell for no reason until a Yankee's hat toppled to the floor and Annabeth appeared, punching the Roman.

But then he got up and started running. Annabeth was so close. And so was I. I had... to... make... it--

"STOP!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Annabeth, surprised, looked up and saw me.

"Rachel..??? What... why... how---"

"Let him go!" I yelled.

She looked up. By this time the guy had gotten the flag and was trying to find a way down.

And then he jumped.

Annabeth leaped over to where he jumped.

I tackled Annabeth.

Percy ran from the water and tackled me.

The Roman got away.

Percy pushed me away and grabbed Annabeth's hand and started chasing the already long gone Roman.

"It's no use!"

"What's wrong with you?" Percy glared at me as he changed directions and advanced towards me. "We had him! We could have won!"

"Exactly!" I tried to explain. "You can't win! Trust me! The prophecy. You two. Same powers. Last... kiss..." I managed before totally running out of breath.

Then I heard a horn blow.

Then cheering from our side. The Greeks has won.

Percy and Annabeth looked at each other horrified.

Then, we all ran to the rest of the crowd. Well, I tried but I was already wheezing.

Then, suddenly as it came, the cheering stopped.

It was at that time we arrived to the scene.

I saw Jason holding someone in his arms on the floor.

My first thought was Piper, but then I saw her hair was black. I looked up. Piper was standing some 10 yards away looking away.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Jason..." the girl muttered, her dark skin shining.

"Shh. I'm here." he whispered. At this point Piper plain left.

"I was so selfish. Of course you'd like someone else. You didn't know about us." she gasped. "Stay... with me."

He held her close.

I looked for any wounds on her but couldn't even see a scratch. She didn't even have on armor. She must have not even fought.

"Please... Make us work together... Must... save... Olympus as one..."

"I will." he promised and a tear rolled down his cheek.

He leaned down and kissed her.

She smiled, closed her eyes, and then lay still.

I wanted to ask so many things. Who is she? Why did she die with no cause? Why weren't Annabeth and Percy the ones.... Oh my gods. I was wrong.

Awkward silence was shared between both camps. Then, Jason slowly got up, still carrying the girl, and walked away.

Once he had left, total chaos broke out.

Campers from both sides started talking an yelling at each other.

"Who was that?" I asked Percy.

He didn't answer until Annabeth squeezed his hand.

"Oh. Um. That was Reyna."

"Why was Jason with her?"

".... er... I think they were together and... and then when Jason lost his memories, he forgot about Reyna."

"How could I be so wrong? It wasn't you two, it was them."

They didn't answer. They just looked at each other.

I felt rather uncomfortable where I was, so I walked away. I decided to find out where Piper had gone.

I half-hoped Percy would notice me leaving, but he pulled Annabeth close.

I sighed.

About 40 yards away I found Piper. She was sitting under a tree looking out into space.


"Hey." she replied half-heartedly.

"Look I'm--"

"I should have known that he would back out!" she fumed. "Of course he tells me that she doesn't matter to him any more but when he sees her again, oh that's a whole different thing! That little brat. I'll kill--"

"Piper!" I interevened. "... She's dead."

Her face became pale.


"It was because of the prophecy." I explained. "She and Jason were the ones to have the last kiss."

"And of equal power. Reyna. She was a daughter of Aphrodite too. Or should I say Venus?"

Not much made sense, and there was still the part about the demigod following their heart. Ugh. Oh well. I definitely had enough to worry about right now.

"Hello!" a new voice welcomed and a figure appeared.

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