Chapter 2- Well

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Naya's P.O.V.

I hear the door almost getting knocked down what the fuck who that fuck would do that I haven't done anything to anyone in this bloody town. Fucken hell I walk down the stirs with my Glock 17 in my right hand. I see Trip and Frankie waiting in the hall way. We I stop I look over the corner and see Q tried up and one very pissed off Blaze coming out of her room. We all step out and point our guns to the 4 guys all dressed in black wow real original guys.

"Who the fuck do you think you are walking in my house tieing up my girl." I say looking them in the eye.

"Are you going to say something its 5 in the fucken morning." Frankie says to the tall one.

Who in the hell are these guys I haven't started anything with anyone here and if I have well fuck I didn't mean. The only people I have met are Jax and his boys but he wouldn't do this to me. Well unless he read up on some shit but even then it was my fathers fault why I'm here and Wanted I'm my fucken country. He is a power hungry dick head. Anyway back to these Ass Wipes in my house.

I pull out my Glock aim it at the guys head.

"All of you guns down or I will blow his brains out." I say. All of them put the guns down at lest they listed to that.

"Take you masks off now." That guy I'm holding at gun point takes his off.

"What the fuck man why are you in my house."

"Well we looked up some stuff and we seen what you did. Naya you are wanted in Australia. Of course we were going to see what kind of set up you have here." Jax said.

"I never killed my mother my Dad framed me. Mum knew it was coming so she left a note and money." I spat back at him.

"Can I see the note."

Jax's P.O.V.

What she done was wrong I don't want anyone like her in charming. I mean I have dome so fucked shit but I have never killed my own mother. It's just wrong even if she was a shit. Mom you should never do that.

"I never killed my Mother my Dad framed me. Mum know it was coming so she left a note and money." She spat

Well then who's dad would do that. Pretty fucked if you ask me. I really want to look at thin not thought.

"Can I see the note?" I ask. She nods and hands it to me.

Dear Tarnaya.
I'm so sorry for what your father has put you thought. What you have seen is what no little girl should see. We both know your Dad and how power hungry he is. The fact that you set up the she-devils made him proud at the start but then. He got mad your club when Australia wide and then over to New Zealand. You were making your club grow because of your smarts. You know what to put money into not like him. He doesn't know shit. I know he is going to kill me and blame you. Murray told me. He is going to help you and 4 for you closest girls out of Australia. You will be going to this small town called Charming. I love you baby.

Love from Mumma T.

I put the note down and look at Naya she's just standing there smiling that amazing smile. Fuck I shouldn't be thinking like this.

"Do you have any idea why she told you to come here."


"Okay then at 10 do can you come to the club hose juice will stay he will show you where to go." I tell her. She nods and I walk away let's see if we can get something on her Dad and her MC I want to know who she was with and what she did.

I get back home. I walk into ables room give him a kiss and hug its like 6 in the morning I can have a little nap.

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