Chapter Seven

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  • Dedicated to Bethanne Raja

“He has to get through, look at his face!” Leigh yelled at the screen. She had come over after school so we could watch the new series of X Factor together. Five minutes in and I was already bored of the people and their voices. They all seemed the same and Leigh was only bothered by the people she classed as good looking. Her favourite so far was an American sailor, however I believed he should stick to that and not singing. I felt her nudging me, “Aremor, look at his face, he has to get through!”

I sighed. “Let’s just hope Simon's turned gay, ay?”

She scrunched up her face and moved even closer to the screen. I swear that girl is just asking for glasses. “Do you not agree he’s gorgeous?” She asked, still staring at the screen.

“Not my type.” He was definitely not my type. He had short hair, no facial hair and looked like most people. Whereas I liked people with long hair, a beard, or at least stubble, and stood out from the crowd.

“I know what your type is and it’s nasty.” I gave her a shocked expression.

“What?! Excuse me, Johnny Depp?” She nodded to this and then looked me straight in the eyes.

“Mr Reese.” She whispered under her breath and then smiled evilly.

“No, don’t start.” I said pointing my finger in her face. She put her hands up in surrender and turned around but before she did I heard her mutter,

“It’s obvious”

“Leigh. Shut up. Do you want me to walk you home?”


“Then shush.” I pulled out my phone and plugged my headphones into them. I went into my music and clicked on my Marianas Trench album and pressed shuffle. My favourite song, Skin and Bones, came on and I immediately started nodding my head to the rhythm. I then pulled my book out of my bag and began reading it. I had read nearly six chapters by the time the show finished. “Ready?”

I asked Leigh as she came back in the room from the bathroom. She nodded so I got up, grabbed my men’s checkered shirt from where it was hanging and threw it on. Leigh gave it a disapproving look before she grabbed her jacket and walked out the front door. I followed, closing the door quietly as my mum was already asleep in bed.

All the way to her house she talked about the sailor and how good he was at singing. Over the four years I have known her I have learned to drown her out so all I could her was a little murmur. She never noticed I did this so I’ve been able to get away with it. I love the girl but sometimes she can go on. I sighed in relief when we got to her house, finally I could get some piece and quite. She said goodbye and hugged me before she ran into her house. I saw her bedroom light switch on a few moments later and heard the sound of water running.

I felt my phone vibrate from inside my pocket and pulled it out, knowing I had received a


'You coming on Monday to see Singing in the Rain?'

It was Annie. She was performing in a musical of the film ‘Singing in the Rain’ and had asked me to go but I hadn’t got back to her.

'Yeah sure, can’t wait see you then'

At that moment the heavens opened and rain came hammering down on me, I grumbled, pressed play on my music and began walking back home. After a while the rain became quite refreshing so I decided on taking the longer route back home and walked slower, lifting my head occasionally to the sky. The quick route from my house to Leigh’s was a thirty minute walk and the long way was an hour so I had plenty of time to myself and to clear my mind. I did this a lot when I had a lot of things going on in my mind. Walking seemed to help me understand things better than if I just sat at home thinking about it. I had started doing this a couple years ago when I had a row with mum and instead of going to my room and attacking my door and once again putting a hole in it, I walked out and came home two hours later to a frantic mother. She had asked where I had been and I told her I had gone for a walk which she responded to by yelling the words ‘a walk’ back at me for the next twenty minutes.

It had only been raining for about ten minutes but already I was soaked and my cloths clung to me.  

No one was around at this time at night so when a black car slowly pulled up next to me my heart immediately began to race. That was until the person rolled down his window and revealed who it was.

“Mr Reese?”

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