Chapter 6

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The next day Kara and her parents go shopping, and Kara sees Justin.

Justin: Hey Kara's parents can I take Kara somewhere for a couple of hours?

Dad: Yeah go ahead, but she has to be back defore 5:30 tonight.

Justin: Okay thanks.

Kara and Justin go out to his Range Rover, and they go to the arcade.

Kara: Justin do you believe me about the picture now?

Justin: Yeah. Sorry I didn't believe you. I should have checked when you told me to.

Kara: It's okay, and why did you take me here to the arcade babe?

Justin: Because I thought you would feel better if you play some games with your bestest boyfriend ever.

Kara: Aww that's sweet, and I love you babe.

Justin: Love you too baby.

Justin Bieber fans come up to Justin, and asks him a question.

Fans: Can we take a picture with you and your autograph?

Justin: Sure. Kara would you like to be in the picture?

Kara: No it's fine. Go ahead and take a picture with your fans.

Justin: Okay.

Justin takes a picture with his fans, and gives them autographs and Kara and Justin go and play some games.

Justin: Hey babe?

Kara: Yeah?

Justin: Do you want to go have some lunch?

Kara: Yeah. I'm starving.

Justin: Me too. I was wondering if you would like to go on a picnic next month with me. Would you want to go with me?

Kara: I would love that.

Justin: Sweet.

Kara: *laughs*

Kara and Justin have lunch, and play some more games. Then Justin drove Kara back home.

Dad: How was the date?

Kara: It wasn't a date dad. He wanted to get away and talk about something that happened last night.

Dad: Oh okay, and your grandparents let you go to King's Buffet last night?

Kara: Yeah.

Dad: I saw a-

Kara: You saw the picture?

Dad: Yeah, and I told you that you can't kiss any boys until you were 16.

Kara: Dad it's like 6 days until I'm 16. So why can't I kiss him now?

Dad: Because it was a rule I gave you Kara. So now you are grounded till your birthday.

Kara: Fine.

Kara went to her room and started texting Trine.

Kara: I hate my dad.

Trine: Why?

Kara: Because my dad said I can't kiss Justin until my birthday.

Trine: But your birthday is 6 days aaway.

Kara: I know. I tried telling him that Justin kissed me first, but he wouldn't listen to me.

Trine: Wow, and does Justin know about your birthday?

Kara: No. Don't tell him until a day before my birthday.

Trine: Okay. I got to go. Bye.

Kara: Bye.

Kara went to take a shower, and to get ready for bed.

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