Chapter 14

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Three days passed and it was 1 more day till Kara's birthday and she was really excited and she decided to hangout with Pip and Trine. So Pip and Trine go to Kara's house and her parents were at work.

Trine: So what are you going to do on your birthday.

Kara: Well Justin was going to take me to get my driver's license and go out to dinner with my mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa and hangout with my friends today.

Pip: Oh that sounds like fun Kara.

Trine: Sure does Pip. Kara is just saying that to go and hangout with Justin. That's why she's hanging out with us today.

Kara: No I'm not Trine. I'll be busy with my family.

Trine: Sure you will because Justin is part of your family and I wish you never even dated Justin in the first place Kara.

Pip: Just quit being jealous of Kara. 

Kara: No Pip let her because she doesn't think that I don't want to spend time with you guys all the time. So she is just going to be pissed off about it. You know what if you don't want to hangout with me and Pip then go hangout with your boyfriend Chaz.

Trine: Fine I will hangout with him. You're starting to act like you're being selfish because you know what you are cause all you think about is you and Justin dating. I'm getting tired of it Kara.

Kara: So maybe I like being with Justin. At least he's better than Spencer okay. So you're acting like you're being selfish. Let's go Pip.

Pip: Okay.

Trine: I'm not selfish.

Kara and Pip go to the mall and Trine goes and hangs out with Chaz and talks about Kara. Behind Kara's back of course.

Kara: I can't believe Trine was acting like that the day before my birthday.

Pp: Neither can I. Letting you know I'm happy wit you whoever you date. I think you and Justin should be together forever.

Kara: Aww thanks Pip. You want to know something? The day my dad was in the hospital, Justin was going to take me to the thing that's like the farmers market to go on a horse and carriage ride, but we didn't go because of what happened to my dad.

Pip: Really?

Kara: Yeah, but now there's a carnaval and he was going to take me there tonight.

Pip: Why is he being so sweet to you all of a sudden?

Kara: I don't know. You should be there when we are alone. He friggin' sings to me.

Pip: Really?

Kara: Yeah.

Pip: You should wear an outfit tonight when you're at the carnaval.

Kara: Okay.

So the two girls go and buy an outfit. Then they go to Kara's house to change, and Pip stays over to have dinner, and the two girls go to Justin's house and Ryan's house to go to the carnaval together.

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