Chapter 13

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Kara picks up her phone and starts talking to her grandparents.

Kara: Hey grandma.

Grandma: Sweetie?

Kara: Yeah?

Grandma: Your dad is in the hospital.

Kara: What?! Why is he in the hospital.

Grandma: Well sweetie his blood sugar went sky rocketed high.

Kara: Oh okay. I'll have Justin pick me up and take me to the hospital.

Grandma: Okay bye.

Kara: Bye. *hangs up*

Kara gets done talking to her grandma and she called Justin.

Kara: Justin, I need you to come and pick me up at my house and take me to the hospital to see my dad.

Justin: Okay. See you in a little bit. Bye.

Kara: Bye. *hangs up*

Justin picks up Kara and takes her to the hospital to go see  her dad and see if her dad is okay.

Kara: John Bolin. Do you know what room he is in?

Hospital Worker: Room E32.

Kara: Okay thanks.

Justin: What happened?

Kara: His blood sugar went sky rocketed high and my grandma wanted me to come and see him.

Justin: Oh okay.

Kara and Justin get to her dad's room and Kara holds her dad's hand and starts talking to her dad.

Kara: Hey dad. Are you okay?

Dad: Yeah I'm fine, but the doctor said that I have to stay here the night. Your mom will be coming here after work.

Kara: Okay and I'm really sorry daddy.

Dad: It's okay sweetie. I know you didn't mean to do it.

Kara: Hey Justin do you mind leaving the room so I can talk to my dad alone please?

Justin: Nope. I don't mind at all.

Kara: Okay thanks. Dad letting you know. That night Justin was the one who leaned in for the kiss not me.

Dad: I understand. The day of your birthday have Justin take you to the DVM to get your driver's license.

Kara: Okay. I'll tell him.

Dad: I'll let you kiss him Kara.

Kara: What? I seriously didn't hear what you said.

Dad: You can kiss Justin. I didn't realize how much he loved you and hell you're almost 16. You got 4 more days.

Kara: Thanks daddy I love you.

Dad: Love you too sweetie.

Kara: I should go to let you rest. Bye.

Dad: Bye.

Kara walks out of the room and kisses Justin. Justin gave Kara the look your-dad-doesn't-want-you-to-kiss-me kind of a look.

Kara: Don't worry my dad said I can kiss you, and can I drive home. I have my permit.

Justin: Really? Yes you can.

Kara: Thanks. My dad said you have to take me to the DMV to get my driver's license.

Justin: When?

Kara: In 4 days because that's when my birthday is.

Justin takes Kara to her house and they play a bunch of board games, until they got tired and went to bed.

Runaway Love (Finished)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora