Chapter 16

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So after the carnival Justin goes to this car shop to get a Range Rover for Kara's birthday present and get it spray painted red. Kara goes to her house and to her room to talk to Chaz on the phone.

Kara: Hey Chaz. I was wondering if Trine is still mad at me?

Chaz: Well I don't know. Why don't you ask her?

Kara: NO!

Chaz: Why?

Kara: Because me and her are mad and if we talk to each other we'll be punching each other in the face really hard. She also said that she wished that I should've never datied Justin because she's jealous. She also called me selfish.

Chaz: Okay this might sound weird, but you and Justin are really good for each other, and you aren't selfish.

Kara: I know. She should be jealous of me and you dating a long time ago in 9th grade. Don't tell Justin about it.

Chaz: I won't, but someday he might find out though. I'll be at your house sometime tomorrow to drop off your birthday present.

Kara: Okay. I got to go bye. Love you Chaz.

Chaz: Love you too Kara.

Kara goes to take a shower and to go to bed. So she can wake up to a happy day because of her birthday, but Trine called Kara.

Kara: *answers phone* Hello Trine. What do you want?

Trine: Well I was just going to tell you that I will drop off your birthday present sometime tomorrow, but now I don't thin you deserve it, but it is your birthday tomorrow.

Kara: So then I'll see you tomorrow. Bye.

Trine: Bye.

Kara hangs up the phone and Ryan calls Kara.

Kara: *answers phone* Hello Ryan.

Ryan: I'm sure you probably head this a few times, but I was just letting you know that tomorrow I'll be dropping off your birthday present.

Kara: Okay well I got to go so I'll see you tomorrow. I love you Ryan.

Ryan: Okay. Love you too Kara. Bye.

Kara hangs up the phone again and then she got to take a shower and get dressed. Then Pip called her.

Kara: *answers phone* Hello Pip.

Pip: Hey I was just calling you to tell you that I was going to bring your present to your house, and that Trine said sorry for what happened earlier.

Kara: Okay about the persent. Why couldn't she say sorry when she called me?

Pip: I don't know.

Kara: Well I got to go to bed, so bye.

Pip: Bye.

Kara hangs up the phone and then Justin called her.

Kara: *answers phone* Hello babe.

Justin: I was calling you to tell you I'll be picking you up at 10 in the morning to take you to get your driver's license.

Kara: Okay.

Justin: And take you to my house for your present.

Kara: Okay. I got to go to bed. I love you babe.

Justin: Love you too baby. Bye.

So Kara gets done talking to Justin and she gets to go to bed for her big day tomorrow.

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