Chapter 22

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The next week went by and it was 12 in the afternoon. Ryan called the night before to talk to Kara about Pip. They went out somewhere to talk about it, and they went to Red Lobster. Ryan and Kara get into her Range Rover.

Ryan: Hey Kara how did your parents buy you the Range Rover?

Kara: They didn't but it. Justin bought it for me for my birthday. Remember?

Ryan: No because I thought your parents bought it. Not Justin.

Kara: Yeah. Can you call my grandma to tell her I'll be at Red Lobster with you?

Ryan: Yeah.

So Ryan calls Kara's grandma to tell her what Kara said. Then Ryan and Kara got to Red Lobster.

Kara: A table for two please.

Waitress: Okay come this way please.

Kara: Okay.

The waitress gtes Kara and Ryan to their table.

Waitress: What would you guys want to drink?

Kara: I'll have a diet coke please.

Ryan: I'll have a coke please.

Waitress: Okay I'll be back with your drinks. *leaves to go get drinks*

Kara: Okay, so Ryan what did you want to say to me about Pip?

Ryan: Well Pip and I are having a hard time with our relationship and I don't know how to fix it. *waitress comes back with the drinks*

Kara: Thanks.

Waitress: You're welcome. Are you ready to order yet?

Kara: No not yet, but thank you. *waitress leaves* Are you guys getting in fights?

Ryan: No. *takes a sip of his coke*

Kara: Well what are you having trouble with?

Ryan: Well she wants to go out to places, and I don't have the money.

Kara: Oh.

Waitress: Are you ready to order?

Kara: Yes. I'll have the srimp scampi and stake please.

Ryan: I'll have the same please.

Waitress: I'll be back with your food.

Kara: Okay. *waitress leaves* Do you need money?

Ryan: No. I got a job a week ago, and I only get $8 an hour, so it's kinda sucking right now.

Kara: Well how many hours do you work a day?

Ryan: Well I work 8 hours over the summer. Then when we go back to school I only get 4 hours, but by that time I might be getting paid more.

Kara: Oh okay.

So Kara and Ryan eat their lunch and head back to Kara's house, but Kara dropped off Ryan first. Then she went to her house to write a note to her mom and dad that she was going to go look for a job. Kara went back to Red Lobster to get an application.

Kara: Can I have an application please?

Manager: Yeah. Here. Bring it back by tomorrow.

Kara: Okay.

Kara goes back home and fills out the application. Then she took it back to Red Lobster. They told her that she can start the next week on Monday.

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