Chapter 9

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One day Kara woke up at 3:00 in the morning and she decided to go onto Facebook and talk to her nephew Jessie.

Kara: Hey Jessie.

Jessie: Hey Kara. How are you?

Kara: I'm good. What about you?

Jessie: Good. I saw a picture of you and Justin Bieber kissing, so I was wondering what was going on between you two?

Kara: Let's just say this. I'm dating him.

Jessie: No you aren't.

Kara: Yes I am. Then there wouldn't be a picture on the Internet of me and Justin Bieber kissing.

Jessie: True. Got to go. I will be hanging out with some friends. So talk to you later. Bye.

Kara: Okay bye.

So Kara gets done talking to er nephew on Facebook, so then she goes and calls Justin.

Kara: Hey babe.

Justin: Don't you think it's too early to call me?

Kara: No. Do you think you can come and pick me up, or come to my house because I can't stop thinking about you.

Justin: Aww that's sweet. Then I'll come to your house.

Kara: Okay see you in 20 minutes.

Justin: Okay bye.

Justin gets to Kara's house and Kara goes down the stairs to open the door for him, and Justin and Kara go up to Kara's room.

Justin: So where do I sleep babe?

Kara: In my bed with me? I don't know where you can sleep babe.

Justin: I'll just sleep in your bed with you.

Kara: Okay.

Justin: *puts arm around Kara's side* Night babe.

Kara: Night. See you in the morning.

Justin: Okay.

So Justin and Kara start to fall asleep. Justin thought to stay with Kara forever, and never break up with her.

Justin: *starts singing One Love* 

Kara: Babe you don't need to sing to me.

Justin: Why?

Kara: Umm I don't know because you already sang to me the first day we ever went out.

Justin: Well I just love to sing to my fans and my girlfriend. That's why I sing to you because singing to you is like me saying I love you.

Kara: Aww that's so sweet babe. I love you too and don't expect me to sing to you.

Justin: Why?

Kara: Cause I get nervous everytime I sing in front of people.

Justin: Well that's how I felt, but I got over it.

Kara: I know. I'm really tired. I think we should go to sleep.

Justin: Okay.

So Justin and Kara go to sleep and they didn't talk for the rest of the night.

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