chapter 7- consequences

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❤ Touya's pov❤

"Get out of here." I said, clutching my stomach were I continued to feel pain.
Shakaraki kneeled down to my level.
"Why are you helping this boy, your a villain he is a hero, you know the  consequences for helping a hero."
"Unfortunately," I said struggling under the pain "I cant tell you." I slowly looked up and meet my brothers eyes and the eyes behind him as they flew twards my brother "SHOTO!" I screamed in attempt to save him but I was to late. Shoto was already pinned to the ground with Toga on his back. That was the last thing I saw, everything went black as a fist flew into the side of my head causing me to faint.

❄ Todoroki's POV 🔥

Touya fell to the ground unconscious after Shigaraki punched him. Before I could get put of her grasp Toga tied both of my hands together and yanked me up off the ground usin5my hair. Shakaraki stood up and walked over to me leaving Dabi unconscious on the ground behind him.
"So," he started "tell me why this man is helping you escape or their will be consequences."

"If he cant tell you why would I."

"Well then." He nodded at Toga and she took out one of her knifes and held it up to my neck

"Toga, hold yourself together." She put her knife away at Shakaraki's order. "I guess you'll join your brother until you both decide to join us." With that he punched me hard causing me to go unconscious as well.

🧤 Shakaraki's POV 🧤

I hate to do this to another villain but Dabi knew he couldn't help a victim much less a hero. Me and Toga took the two and locked them up in two separate cells that we had in a different room. After placing them in there Toga left the room. I looked at Dabi for a little while and wondered why was he helping shoto? I'm not shure why but I'll find out eventually even if I have to burn Dabi worse then he was now.

🥦 Deku's POV 🥦

I woke up the next morning with my phone still in my hand. I guess I dosed off, it was completely out of battery so I plugged it in to charge it I would need it to later. I left my room and entered the kitchen were my mom had my breakfast ready I grabbed and thanked her. Then I went to sit on the couch to eat my breakfast and watch some TV. I turned on the TV and the news came up with a familiar picture.
Words flew across the bottom of the screen in bold letters Number 2 hero Endeavor's son: missing. On the screen I saw a picture of me and Todoroki as the reporter continued to talk. "Endeavour's son Todoroki is currently missing and has been for 24 hours. Heros and police say they have found nothing on the case.
^501 words^

Ok, hi👋🏻👋🏻 this story is turning out A LOT longer then I expected it to be so, yay. That's all Baiiiiiii


P.s. yes Shakaraki has a soft side now

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