chapter 12

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💀 Twice's POV 💀

Why do we even try, from what I know Deku is the most dedicated person to become the #1 hero I've ever seen. His room is even full of All Might posters.

After the hour of me drawing in the dirt outside hopeong not to be seen by anyone I looked inside and he was awake and walking out of his room. I tryed to get into the house through his window. It was locked shut. "Shit" I quietly exclaimed. How else could I get in without him noticing. I walked around the house to the front door then knocked on the door, before he got to the front door I hid in a Bush that was surprisingly close to the door. When. He opend the door I slid in behind him and hid under the couch. He closed the door and walked into the kitchen and had breakfast. Once he walked into the bathroom he left a small slip of paper kn the table that I investigated. Reading it my mouth curled into a smile. His mom isnt home and won't be home for a couple of days. I need to get information to Shagaraki and Toga, the sooner we get all three of them as villains the better.

❄ Todoroki's POV 🔥

I guess they gave us our quirks back at some point and didnt tell us because Touya continuously blasted the glass trying to melt it. Of course, it didn't work I also noticed that they stopped bringing us food and water, not like the food was good. At least I could make some water for me by making a snowball then melting it. The only thing I thought about was getting out of here and seeing Mydoriya again. As I thought about this Touya's fire stoped blasting the glass and he collapsed to the floor.
"Touya! Are you ok?" I ran from the bed to the glass and there he was. He looked awful his covered up scars were ripped off and smoking blood was pouring from underneath.
"Shit, he cant hear me." I said out of frustration. He had left a small balck spot on the glass there would be no point in using fire to get through it. Although that spot is large enough to get through. I took a few steps back and shot a spike of ice straight through the black area on the glass. It broke straight through. I quickly melted the ice and carefully climbed through. Touya was quietly crying in pain. Felling a small patch of skin that wasnt damaged he was cold as ice.
"You must have overused your quirk. Can you hear me?" He didnt look up at me. I carefully covered his smoking arms in ice we needed to get his body back in control.

❤ Touya's POV ❤

My mind was lost, my heart was racing, what just happened? One second I was blasting the glass  with fire the next I'm on the ground in pain? I felt a chill as my arms turned to ice. How could this get worse?
^ 519 words ^

Ima try and update as much as possible over winter break and weekends, I've been kinda stressed about school. Sry. Hope you enjoyed.  Baiiiiiiii


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