chapter 13 -

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🥦 Deku's POV 🥦
As I was getting ready for the day I heard shuffling coming from the kitchen. In curiosity it walked into the kitchen, nothing. However the door was cracked open. Was someone in the house? I suddenly didn't feel safe. Someone else is eather in the house or  was in the house. I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Momo

Deku: Momo

Momo: ya, what's up

Deku: I think someone is my house

Momo: what?! Someone is in your house

Deku: I'm not 100% shure. While I was in the bathroom to get ready for the day and I heard random shuffling from the kitchen I walked out and no one was their, however the door was open

Momo: search around the house see if their is anything suspicious

Deku: ok

I searched around the house no one was their and nothing was stolen. What were they here for? How did they get in as well? I locked the door after looking out didnt I? I texted Momo again

Deku: no one is here and nothing is stolen

Momo: you shure?

Deku: ya, I looked everywhere

Momo: y would someone come in without taking anything.

Deku: dont ask me

Momo: cone over I want to see what we can work put on Todoroki's case.

Deku: ok see ya soon

💀 Twice's POV 💀
...I needed to get this information to Toga and Shigaraki. The bathroom door started to open and I quickly slipped out the house. I ran back to the base to find Toga and Shigaraki talking. Toga perked up as I entered the room
"Any news on my deku."

"Kinda, all I know right now is that he has the house to himself for a few days. His mom left." I responded

"So hes alone?" Shakaraki guessed

"From what I'm understanding, yes" I answered

"Then we should do the kidnaping asap." Shakaraki replied

I nodded then walked out of the room

❄ Todoroki's POV 🔥

After a while Touya's body returned back to its normal temperature and he was able to talk to me. I moved his to the bed in the room. It was uncomfortable but the best I could do.

"I cant go through this anymore." He said.

"What do you mean." I responded

"We dont have a choice Shoto, I would rather be a villain than die."

He must have noticed that they weren't giving us foor or water anymore as well.

"Are you saying you're going to become a villain again?" I asked him

"I feel it's the best idea." He responded.
I sighed, now it's my decision, becoming a villain would mean giving up my future as a hero.

"You don't have to become a villain as well Shoto." As he said this he drifted off into unconsciousness leaving me alone in silence.

🥦 Deku's POV 🥦

I went over to Momo's house. I was starting to lose hope with Todoroki. Hes been missing for weeks now. I could tell Momo was in the same position. We searched his room for security cameras once again and Momo found something that might help.
^523 words^

Told yall I would update more. I dont necessarily have anything else for yall. So, hope you enjoyed. Baiiiiiiii


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