chapter 11- moving along

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💀 Twice's POV 💀

With the hope that Todoroki and Dabi would become a villain that day I was sent to watch Isuku all day while Toga and Shagaraki did.......whatever they do.
I quickly arrived at Deku's home, looking into the window I saw that he was fast asleep. I scanned his room for any security cameras, nothing. As I continued to scan the room I saw a diary on the table next to his bed. The windows were locked and the front door was locked. I couldn't get in without being unnoticed.

Nothing much happened the next hour I sat outside the window and every few minutes peered in to see if he was awake.

❤ Touya's POV ❤

How many days had we been here? How many scars do we have?
Would Shoto become a villain if I returned to being a villain? Or would he still fight?
"You, dont have to do this Shoto." I said, what if he is not becoming a villain because of me.

"Do what?" He responded

"You can become a villain if you want to, I don't want to hold you back."

"Well, I don't want to, I could lose everything."

I understand were he is coming from. Becoming a villain is a life changing disishon. The room remained silent for a little while. Then a loud bang erupted as Toga burst through the door.

"Hello you too." She said

Our throats were the only thing that wasn't slashed by a knife and even the presence of Toga in the room made my body sting.

"The other villains and me have decided to bring you guys to a different room. So you guys can eather coaparate and we wont hurt you for the rest of the day or we can do the same thing we did to get you in this room. Up to you."

Shoto slowly looked up "option A." He said
She looked over at me and I nodded. She pranced out of the room.

"Would you become a villain if I did." He asked me

"I dont know, I want you to be safe but I also want my own freedom." I responded, that was the truth.

🔪 Toga's POV🔪
I walked back to the room where Shakaraki and Kurogiri were talking. As I entered the tured to me and I told them everything that Todoroki and Dabi told me. They got up and walked into their current room. Tieing both of their hands together and connecting them to each other we brought them downstairs. This room had individual cells for them but higher security.

❄ Todoroki's POV 🔥

They threw us into separate cells with bullet proof/ quirk proof glass in between which kept us from communicating. There was no way out.

🥦Deku's POV 🥦

I woke up that morning with a slight feeling that I was being watched. I didnt think much of it and went along with my day. I walked into the kitchen to find a note on the table.

Good morning Isuku
I had to leave to help your father with something. I'll be gone for a few days. Meals are in the fridge and the time to place them in the microwave are on their containers.
I love you


I guess I get the house to myself for a little while.
^ 561 words^

Ok I am soooooo sorry for not being active. I've been Busy with school and the end of the year. I will really try to be more active in the future. Hope you enjoyed and once again I'm sorry. Baiiiiiiii👋🏻


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