chapter 10- thoughts

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🥦Deku POV 🥦

At this point I don't even remember how long Todoroki has been missing other then a few says. As frustrated as I am I need to stay calm and continue to try and find him. That night as I drifted off into sleep a nightmare slipped into my head to haunt me.

*in the nightmare*
Todoroki wasn't missing anymore, as a matter of fact, he was right in front of me, dead, on the ground. Tears streamed down my face as I realized we were to late to save him.

I woke with a start, sweating and breathing heavily. Was it just a dream? It seemed so real? My legs trembled as I clawed out of bed to the sun beaming down on me. After getting ready for the day Momo called me.

"Hey Mydoriya." She started


"Do you want to work on Todoroki's case with me today?"


"Cool. Well meet at my house in 30 min. You good with that?"


"Great,see you soon. Bye"
At that, she hung up.

❄Todoroki's POV 🔥

"Do you think it would be better for us if I became a villain?" I asked Touya

"Shoto, becoming a villain is a life long disishon." He replied

"What's it like being a villain?"

"You can feel trapped, sad, but incredibly free at the same time."

"What do you mean."

"When you become a villain, you cant easily get out of it. You lose friends and might even have to kill your friends at some point. But you get that freedom of doing whatever pops in your mind."

Then silence struck the room. If I do become a villain I can carve out who i dont want in the world.

Just then we heard doors smashing open and closed a few moments later Shakaraki burst into the room with a insane look on his face.

"Sence you to cant go anywhere I can rant about my problems to you while Toga gets her knifes ready." He said as he pulled up a chair and sat down.
"I also want to ask you a few questions." He continued

"Then it would only be fair for us to ask you a few questions." Touya said. Were is he going with this?

"If that's what you want." Shakaraki replied. He agreed?

"Have you changed the plans with Mydoriya." Touya asked

Shagaraki looked over at me. He.must have seen my reaction to their whisper talk.
"No, we haven't." He answered. turning his gase back to Touya he asked a question

"Have eather of you thought about becoming a villain."

It was silent once again inside the room. Apparently neather of us has made a final disishon yet.

"Well then I might as well rant to about my problems in the meantime."

My mind drifted away from this place and back to Mydoriya. I was worried about him. What are they going to do with him?
^494 words^

Well, that took me 2 days to write. Anyway thanks for reading. What they are going to do with Mydoriya will probably come up next chapter. Hope you enjoyed. Baiiiiiiii 👋🏻


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