chapter 9- failure?

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❄ Todoroki's POV 🔥

Toga walked over to my brother and started to slash him as well. Once she was done she stepped back to admire the Mark's she had made on both me and Touya.
"And by the way I wouldnt waste your energy on trying to use your quirks we have injected a serum that disables your quirks until we give you the antidote. Which we wont until you both become villains for all of time." Twice added

🥦 Deku POV 🥦

As we walked back to Momo's house I wondered: who would take Todoroki other than the villans? No one that I can think of. If he ran away would he be back by now? Would he have commit suicide just to end it all?
We arrived at Momo's house and I was feeling uneasy at the thought that he might be gone forever.
Momo pluged the security camera into the computer and we started to watch yesterday's footage. It was pritty calm until Todoroki got home from the sleepover and Endeavor and Todoroki started talking. We couldn't see what was happening but we could hear everything. Turns out Endeavor slapped Todoroki hard enough to knock him to the ground and make him bleed. After Endeavor went to his room Todoroki went to the bathroom to clean up a cut on his cheek. After that all we heard from that halway was rummaging around in his room then silence.
"Ugh." Momo said "this didnt help at all."
"All we know is that something happened in his room then he went missing. Should we recheck his room for cameras?" Kirishima said
"Well we would have to walk back over to his house and we all know how long that takes" Momo responded
"The longer we take to find him the more he could be hurt." I broke I to the conversation.
"Mydoriya its getting late." Momo said.
Ya its late but we need to find him or at least I do.
"Fine." I said I would have to continue this in the night. Alone.
"Great. I'll see you all tomorrow." Kirishima said and started to walk out of the house everyone else followed. Momo held me back for a little while to talk.
"Is there something wrong, you seem very desperate to find Todoroki." She asked
"No I'm just worried were he could be."I responded
"Ok but calm down a little well fond him. I promise." She said as I left.

Im still continuing this tonight

❄ Todoroki's POV 🔥

Toga had done a large amount of damage to me and Touya when she finnaly realized the time she stoped and left leaving us with Twice with Shakaraki.
They whispered something to each other I'm not entirely shure what they said other then it had something to do with Mydoriya which botherd me. What are they going to do to him? I felt defenseless, confused, and angry.
They finnaly left leaving silence between me and Touya which he did brake.
"I'm sorry." He said
"About what?" I responded
"If I didnt try to help you, we probably wouldnt be here." He looked at me and I could see the pain in his eyes and the tears that stayed in them. It hurt to see my brother in this condition.
"Its not your fault, you did what any good person in your position would do." I responded
After that there was silence.

❤ Touya's POV ❤

I could tell Shoto didnt want me in this much pain but it was my job to protect him and I failed. We didn't know eachother well but the love between us thrived.
^608 words^
What the frick did I just write I am literally crying rn anyway hope you enjoyed ree I love but hate this chapter. Alright baiiiiiii👋🏻


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