chapter 8- missing him

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Hey guys, before this chapter I would like to inform you that I have started a new story. It is called "his eyes." And it's from the hacker deku AU. That's all. Enjoy this chapter.

🥦Deku POV🥦

After arriving back in my room I look at some of the pictures that I had of him and me. I cant lie, I miss him. The felling that I might not ever see him again, that his safety might be in some villains hands hurts to think about.
I cant waste my time thinking this way. I need to find him, or at least try.
I left my house after getting ready for the day and saying that was hanging out with some frends. I was going to meet friends but we weren't going to just hang out, we were going to find Todoroki. The longer hes missing the more danger he could be in. As I walked to Momo's house I thought about the last time I saw him. That day, when he saved me from Bakugo. And we had the sleepover was he acting awkward or anything? I approached Momo's house and knocked. Momo answered and let me in. Denki and Kirishima were the only other people that were coming and they seemed to be there already. Sitting around a table we all talked about the last time we saw him.
"The only thing he said to me was that he was done following his father's orders." I said "Is there something with that?"
"I dought it unless he ran away, like out of town ran away. Into the mountains were no one sould ever find him I dought it. And if he did he would tell us not to look for him, right?" Kirishima hoped into the conversation.

He has a solid point. Most people that run away prefer to be alone.
"Wait, when was the last time Endeavor saw him, he is his dad so he must have seen him return home," I said
"Ya that would make sence, but I dont entirely know that Endeavor cares about his son until he passes All Might.." Momo said.
"Your right but dont you think it's worth a shot and if he doesn't say anything we could try to find some security cameras or something in Todoroki's house."

❄ Todoroki's POV🔥
I woke up chained to a wall I'm a different room. Touya was still unconscious next to me.
"Ah one is awake." Toga jumped up from her sitting place near Shakaraki and Twice. She somewhat skipped over to me pulled out a knife and slashed my shoulder leaving a sharp pain in my entire arm.
"This will continue until you decide to become a villain and stay that way for both of you." Twice said, they must have filled him in on everything that must have happened.
I looked over and Touya was awake looking at Twice like he he was his kidnapper. Well, in a way he was.

🥦Deku POV 🥦
We left Momo's house with deep hopes to find something. we arrived and we found out that Endeavor wasn't home. Yes, we broke into the house. We searched the house and found 1 hidden security camera.
"Endeavor has a surprisingly high self esteem that he only puts one security camera in his house." Kirishima said as he placed the security camera on the table
"Were was this one, security camera?" Momo asked
"In the hall leading to the bathroom, Endeavors room, and Todoroki's room." Kirishima answers
"Then it might have something I have a computer at my house so we can plug it in there and see if we can find who or when Todoroki got kidnapped." Momo said

^626 words^
Ok hi, finnished this chapter. Sry for the inactivity but I started school, cross country, acting, and a relationship. I've been really busy thanks for understanding ❤ baiiiiii👋🏻

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