(01) It's Hard To See Beyond This

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Jenna's P.O.V:

It's been six months since my break-up with Parker. It was funny how much easier it was than I thought it would be to get over him. Of course I ate ice cream, cried and watched 10 Things I Hate About You a few too many times, however the fact that I would normally go months without seeing Parker meant that I was used to not seeing him all the time anyway.

I'm still so glad we didn't make it public. I've got no idea if Parker is even dating that same girl he did when he broke up with me, but I don't care either. 

I'd been friends with Parker's band mates while we were together, seeing as I'd toured with them for those two months two years ago. I got to know them well enough, but I haven't spoken to them since then.

"How much longer do we have left? I really need to go to the toilet" Whak announced, tapping his foot impatiently. "Man, I knew that spicy cur-"

"Enough!" Cam called out from the bunk area, probably as grossed out as Jake, Matty and I were. "There's only 30 or so minutes, you'll survive."

"At this rate, I'm not sure" Whak joked, the bus filling with laughter - and scrunched up noses. "No, seriously though."

Shaking my head as my eyes teared up from laughing so hard, I stood up and looked down at my pyjamas. Heading to the compact and tiny bathroom, I looked in the mirror and bit my lip. 

My hair was messy and I looked super tired. I blame that on staying up and worrying about if I would bump into Parker on tour - he probably didn't even think twice, let alone once, about me being on the tour.

Who am I kidding, though. Of course I'll be worried. There may be a huge variety of bands and hundreds of people around us each day, but that may not be enough. As bands, we all eat together, do meet and greets together, spend our days off together, you get the picture. If Parker and I were still together, this'd be perfect for us. But we're not.

Taking in a deep breath, I brushed my hair to make it some what neater. I applied some mascara and my usual beige-brown smokey eye, finishing the look with a small amount of bronzer. 

Smiling into the mirror, I cheered up and remembered how much fun I was going to have on tour. Whether I see Parker or not won't and shouldn't bother me, right? I can't let him in my way of having a good Summer.

I walked out of the bathroom and down to the back lounge, rummaging through my clothing pile. I decided on a pair of black jeans and a purple muscle tee, paired with my trusty Old Skool Vans. After changing, I noticed the bus came to a halt.

"We're here now, Whak. You can relax!" Cameron called out from the bunk area, where he was probably trying to get as much sleep as he could. I tried to tell them that staying up until 4am was a bad idea, however they were too hooked on Breaking Bad to really grasp what I was saying.

"Thank god" Whak sighed of relief, getting up quickly. Watching him from the entrance of the bunk area, I couldn't help but laugh. "I'll see you all later!"

Matty shook his head and joined in with the laughter. Soon enough, we were all laughing again. "Poor Whak..."

Parker's P.O.V:

Walking over to catering, I shook my head and sighed. The line was already long enough and by the time we get there, it'll be even longer. I'm a little nervous to sing later on, like on any other tour, however I'm even more nervous to see Jenna. Oh yeah, I'm touring with Tonight Alive.

"Gee Parker, why the long face?" Kelen asked, looking at me as he raised an eyebrow. I hadn't realised, but I'd zoned out on their conversation the whole way from the bus to the catering tents. That was quite a long way.

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