(07) Everything Seems More Clear

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Parker's P.O.V:

Feeling another body beside me as I woke up, I yawned and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. The front lounge was small and narrow enough, I had no idea why I'd go to sleep with someone on it. Turning my head slowly, I smiled to myself as I realised it was Jenna beside me. 

Looking around, I saw that Kelen and Ryan were awake and doing their own thing, while Will was sleeping on the floor of the front area - poor dude. We were in motion, so I wondered how long we had left of the drive. 

Looking at my watch, I saw that it was around midday. We still had hours of driving to go and I figured it was the perfect chance for me to spend time with Jenna.

I didn't drink as much as Jenna or others, so I remembered last night well enough to know that nothing happened between us. I didn't want to move so that Jenna would wake up in my arms, like she used to. That sounds creepy as hell, but I swear it's not like that.

Kelen began to ring someone, and forgot his phone was on loudspeaker. The girl on the other end was so loud, it woke Jenna up. 

Seeing Jenna look around get up quickly, she whacked me in the nose accidentally. Her eyes widened as she shook her head at the sight of me, yelling "What the fuck?!" 

Well, that's probably not the way you want the girl you're into to wake up. It's certainly not the nicest of greetings, especially with an added blow to the face.

"You were totally okay with this last night" I shrugged, sitting up as I held my nose in pain. Okay, maybe that was a lie. But it kind of wasn't. She was the one who fell asleep on my shoulder. Even I'm not sure how we managed to fall asleep together in the position we did - but Jenna needed to calm down.

Getting up, Jenna walked over to Kelen and hung his phone up. I didn't know where that 'good word' that Kelen put in for me went, but it was for sure seemed to not exist right now.

"What the hell, Jen? I was in the middle of an important conversation!" Kelen called out, shaking his head as he placed his phone into his pocket.

Straightening her shirt and tucking her hair behind her ear, Jenna gave a small sigh as Kelen folded his arms. She looked like she was in deep thought and then finally, after what felt like too long of a silence, she spoke. "Sorry. I just want to... to spend some time with you."

Feeling my nose throb with pain, I held it for a moment and realised it was bleeding. Jenna wanted to spend time with Kelen? The pair are always spending time together. I'm no longer going to sit around and watch them get all cute together, I was ready to be nice-guy to Jenna, and hopefully win her back.

"Jenna, could you please get some ice? Look at my nose!" I called out, pointing to the blood. Rolling her eyes, she walked slowly - to annoy me - and eventually got some ice in a cloth for me. Throwing it on my lap, Jenna walked off to the back lounge area.

While she was gone, I thought it'd give me the perfect chance to chat with Kelen. "Dude, what the hell? I thought you put in a 'good word'?" I raised an eyebrow, holding the ice to my nose.

"I did! Yet every time you're around her, you seem to act like a dick. Just be nice and apologetic. Don't worry, I'll figure something out for tomorrow, okay?" Kelen sighed, shaking his head.

"Sounds like a plan" I nodded, giving a small shrug. It sounded good enough to me, and I was willing to try anything to at least have Jenna's forgiveness. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I checked what was new on Instagram and saw that Jenna had posted a photo through Kelen's account. 'So they were on some kind of date', I thought to myself, sighing. I thought so.

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