(12) Still Into You

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Jenna's P.O.V:

"There are a lot of different types of sad songs, but I love a beautiful sad song. Vermillion Pt. 2 by Slipknot is one of them. It's so heartbreaking, but you can tell it's because he loves someone so much. I had a boyfriend, when I was 15, who gave me a Slipknot CD, and Vermilion Pt. 2 just stood out to me so much" I explained to the interviewer, as I answered one of the last questions for the newest Kerrang! magazine. "I feel the same way as I did when I first heard it every time I hear it again."

"What is a song that you wish you'd written yourself?" The interviewer asked the next question.

"I listen to Bob Marley most mornings, it's how I like to start my days" I began to answer, smiling to myself. "I think it'd have to be Is This Love, just because it talks about love like it's something simple. A beautiful kind of simple. He talks about sharing a single bed - I have a fantasy about that kind of life. He says, 'I want to love you and treat you right'. I think anyone would want that to be said to them, as if there are no other complications in the world. It's just you and the other person.

"Awesome! So last question, what do you think the best song ever written was?" The interviewer asked the final question. The interview was for a Rocksound column, and I was stoked to be a part of it.

"It's actually one that plays at the end of one of my favourite movies, Lords Of Dogtown. It's when they're doing a montage of where everyone's lives ended up - it's slow motion and all the guys are skating in a big bowl. The lyrics paint a real picture for me. I feel like you just have to lie on your back and close your eyes when you hear this song" I answered with a smile. "It's called Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd." 

- - -

After the interview was over, I realised I still had some time before our set to chill out. Upon my way to my band's bus, I figured I'd stop by Parker's bus - I wanted to know how things went last night after I left.

"Hey, Parker" I smiled, biting my lip. Things felt better between us - I was glad that we weren't being awkward anymore. That's not exactly something I'd thought I'd be saying, but it was the truth.

"Hi Jen, are you here to see the ever so annoying Amy, or one of us?" Parker asked, with a laugh. "Actually, I'm guessing you're wanting to see Kelen?"

"Ah, yes. Just the man" I gave a nod, scratching the back of my neck. "Or you, if you have any knowledge on how things went yesterday night? Did he work things out with Amy?"

"Yeah, some what. Come on in and I'll spill the beans. Kelen's not here anyway, and neither are the other guys" Parker opened the door wider, letting me in. The rest of the guys were all out as well. Walking to the fridge, the male shot me a small smile. "You want a beer?"

"You don't think it's a bit... Early?" I asked Parker, letting out a laugh.

"Is that a yes or a no?" Parker asked, with a shake of his head in response to my comment. When I nodded, his smile widened to a grin.

"Why not" I shrugged before catching the can of beer Parker threw at me. "So, what happened?"

"Basically, me and the guys all went to the bunk area to give Kelen and Amy some space. They went to the back area to talk, and we only heard muffled voices - until she began to yell" Parker sighed before biting his lip. "Kelen later told us that he'd went straight-out and asked her if she had cheated on him."

"Damn, I suppose she didn't take that too well" I assumed, taking a sip from the can of beer in my hand. I bet she really didn't take that well. "So what went on after that?"

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