(15) I Get Knocked Down

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Kelen's P.O.V: 

I haven't told Parker about my confession to Jenna yet, and if I did, I don't know what would happen. Jenna avoided me the entire day, but I can't blame her. I know I can't.

I'm glad the truth is out, though. There's no need to bottle everything up anymore and whether Jenna likes me the same or not, at least she knows how I feel. And at least I don't need to carry around the secret that I was helping Parker out.

Standing outside of our bus, Parker, Will, Kevin and Ryan had all been drinking already. Not much, but enough to have them laughing and carrying on.

We were waiting to meet up with Jenna's band. I had an awful feeling that tonight was just going to be incredibly awkward. I insisted that I 'didn't feel well', but the guys practically dragged me off of the bus - I let them think I wasn't over Amy, instead of wanting to run and hide from Jenna forever.

"Hey everyone" Jenna smiled, walking up to us as her band mates and my own all greeted each other. She didn't directly look at me, but she seemed to be in a good mood. Good.

We then began to walk, as I trailed behind Will, Matty, Kevin and Jake. In front of them were Whak, Cam and Ryan and of course Jenna and Parker were leading us.

Once we arrived to the bar, we all piled in and chose somewhere to sit. Parker shouted the first round of drinks, while I slumped down on a stool. They all decided getting shots would be a good idea, but I'm sure we'll be thinking otherwise tomorrow morning.

As Bitter Sweet Symphony by The Verve began to play, Jenna started to move around in her seat and sing along. Could she be any more adorable? 

I've got to quit thinking like this. It's clear she didn't like me the same way I liked her. And if that's the case, I'm fine with that - it happens. 

It's the fact we can't even be friends that crushes me. All because of a stupid mistake. Once Parker returned with the shots, I had mine right away.

Standing up, I walked over to the bar and got a beer for myself. Soon after, the guys were getting their own drinks when they needed to.

"So Jenna, do you forgive me now?" Parker turned to Jenna with a smile. She rolled her eyes. 

"Maybe" Jenna shrugged, looking around. When her eyes landed on me, her expression was blank. 

"Let me know if there's anything I can do, y'know, to make you forgive me" Parker smiled, placing an arm over Jenna's shoulder.

I was surprised that Jenna was still speaking with Parker, let alone hanging out with him. Maybe she really was going to forgive him for cheating on her.

"Let me get a drink first" Jenna sighed, looking uncomfortable. Getting up, the blonde walked off towards the bar.

"Dude, I think she's finally going to forgive me, for good!" Parker said, wearing a smug grin.

"Cool" I shrugged, fiddling with the cap of my beer bottle in my hands. I really wasn't feeling things tonight.

Cam, Matty and Ryan had all gone off to dance while Kevin was on stage, singing along to a Robert Palmer song. Well, that's if the sounds coming from his mouth could even be considered singing. It was good entertainment, though.

"So Jenna, you got any idea yet?" Parker bugged at the blonde. He was probably already drunk.

Jenna bit her lip and nodded. "Well, I might forgive you if you dance on that table over there," she pointed to a table, which happened to be an empty part of the bar. "I'll choose the song."

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