(14) You Let Me Down

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Kelen's P.O.V:

Waking up, I yawned and began to move around and stretch. Wanting to get up, I realised my arm was around Amy - not wanting to wake her up, I slowly slipped my arm out from under her. The bus wasn't in motion, which meant I really slept in.

Walking through the bunk area from the back area where I fell asleep, my eyes widened when all the guys began to give me looks.

"Dude, you totally woke me up last night" Ryan shook his head. "Never on our bus again, please."

"Oh, shit. I didn't, did I?" I cringed, folding my arms. How did I let that happen?

"Yep, you totally did. There's no denying it" Will nodded as he laughed, giving a small shrug. "Let's get breakfast."

And with that, we all went to the front area and I made some pizza pockets. Not the most healthy breakfast out there, but damn delicious. 

"So how are you and Jenna?" I asked Parker, biting my lip. I wondered what they did last night, after the Warped prom, but I was going to wait for him to tell me. "Still need help?"

"We're good" Parker nodded, smiling. "We sat outside and talked for ages last night, it was nice. I'm gonna see if she wants to go to that lake you told me about last week."

Parker was going to take Jenna to the lake? Damn it. Why did I tell him about it? For some stupid reason, I knew I felt jealous. 

Whatever, I should be glad for him. This is what he wanted and once again I was the one to get him there. Shrugging it off, I turned to see Amy who I could hear padding down to the front area.

"Hey everyone" Amy spoke shyly, licking her bottom lip as she walked to the fridge. Taking out a bottle of juice, she scurried back down to the other end of the bus quickly.

"Awkward" Will laughed, shaking his head. "Well I've gotta hurry 'cause I'm hoping to catch some sets..."

"Yeah, me too" Ryan nodded in agreement, as he nudged Kevin's arm.

"Oh, I've got this thing too" Kevin nodded confidently, though by now I knew the guys were only trying to give Amy and I space.

Nodding, I stood up and threw my plastic plate away before heading down to the bathroom. Seeing an orange-faced Amy with a rather angry expression, I furrowed my eyebrows and shut my eyes - hard. I totally forgot to tell her about her makeup. Great.

"What sick joke did you play on me?" Amy yelled, her eyes tearing up. "Why would you do this?"

I looked down the walk way of the bunk area to see all of the guys jump up in their boxes and grab random articles of clothing. They then all ran off the bus, and I can't say I blame them.

"It was Jenna and Parker" I told the truth, biting my lip. Seeing Amy frown, I knew that was a dumb idea. What else could I have said? The Warped Tour fairy came and done it?

"Why?" Amy fumed, leaning over the tiny sink as she splashed water on her face. 

The brunette rubbed at her skin with her wet hands, but I wasn't sure that was actually helping. God help her if the tan had started to develop. Or shall I say, god help me.

"Kelen, why did they do it? Why didn't you tell me?" Amy yelled, grabbing all of the things she'd left on the bus and shoving them into one of her bags. No, no, no...

"Amy I lo-" I began, feeling a kick in my guts when Amy quickly covered my mouth with her hand. Maybe she wanted to say it before me? Or maybe she didn't want to hear it at all.

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