(18) Closure

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Parker's P.O.V:

Knocking on the door of Tonight Alive's bus nervously, I waited for someone to answer. Kelen? What was he doing here? 

"Oh... Hey, Parker" Kelen gulped, looking at me with a surprised face. "Come on in, we're just having lunch."

Shaking my head, I gave a little sigh. "I was hoping I could just talk to Jenna..."

"Well why don't you just hangout here and then talk to her after lunch?" Kelen suggested  in an impatient voice. I nodded, before following him onto the bus.

"Parker! What's up, mate?" Whakaio asked, giving me a fist-pump. 

"Oh y'know, same same"  I shrugged, sitting beside Matt. "So, what's on the menu?"

Opening the fridge, Whakaio looked into it and shrugged. "Salad, pizza pockets, protein shakes, grilled cheese sandwiches... That's about it, we're running pretty low."

"Hang on, why don't we order pizza?" Cam suggested, tilting his head. "We have to order pizza at least once on the tour."

"True" Matty nodded, taking his phone out of his pocket. "What do we all want?"

Shrugging, I gave it a thought as I watched Jenna come through to the front lounge from the bunk area. Giving her a small smile, she then turned away. Either she didn't want to pay attention to me, or she was purposely ignoring me. Which is worse?

"Cheese with thick crust is a must" Kelen suggested, as Jenna raised an eyebrow and walked over to him.

"Pizza for lunch?" She guessed, as Kelen nodded. Sitting beside him - pretty closely, might I add - she smirked at him, saying "We'll have to get a chicken, pineapple and sweet chilli on thin crust, won't we Kelen?"

"Sure will" Kelen laughed, putting arm around her shoulder. So, he'd patched things up with her and I was feeling pretty jealous. I thought I had this down pat.

"I'll do the pick-up if you guys want?" I suggested, as Whak shrugged.

"If you want to, I sure don't" Whak answered, laughing. "You better get someone to go with you though, we're ordering a lot. You should bring your guys over here."

"Sure, I'll text them now" I nodded, before sending them each a message to meet on the TA bus. 

"I'll go with Parker" Jenna announced, as I smiled to myself. So maybe she did want my company after all.

Once everyone ordered what they wanted, Jenna and I got off the bus with some money to buy the pizzas. It was only about a fifteen minute walk, so it was the perfect chance to talk to Jenna.

"So -- About the other night, I just want to apologise" I began, biting my lip. "It was a pretty shit thing to do, and it certainly didn't help you gain trust in me, which I understand. And I know that it's going to take time for us to work this out. That's okay, and it's just -- I want to be able to spend time with you and everyone else, without it being awkward."

Jenna nodded, looking up at me. "Didn't think you had it in ya. That's exactly what I've wanted you to say."

"So you and Kelen are good?" I asked, watching as Jenna nodded. Hmm.

Jenna opened her mouth to speak, but then shut it and shrugged. "Yeah, did he tell you about it?"

"Not really" I shook my head, looking down. "I mean, he told me that you know he has feelings for you, but I didn't have the heart to tell him he was totally dreaming."

Jenna looked annoyed at my comment at first, but then gave a small smile as we walked and I couldn't help but feel as though she could like Kelen back somehow.

So, being the guy that I am, I went straight-out and asked her. "Do you like Kelen?" I blurted.

"Parker, I'm going to be honest. I do like him" Jenna shrugged, folding her arms over her chest. "I don't want everything to be a mess, though."

"Ok" I nodded, not knowing what else to say. It's funny, isn't it? My best friend getting with my ex-girlfriend? I only hope he treats her better than I did.

No, I know he will.

We walked in silence on the rest of our way to the pizza shop. From there we paid and collected the food and drinks, and then continued on back to the buses.

"You're being quiet, is there something wrong?" Jenna asked me with a frown, tilting her head. "I knew this would happen-"

"No, of course not" I shook my head, but Jenna more than likely knew I wasn't being honest. I could see it in her face, I guess it was because she dated me. "I mean -- Just, don't worry. As long as you're happy."

Jenna slowed her pace, biting her lip. "Well of course I am, you know that."

"Yeah" I sighed, glad we were nearly at the bus area. "Of course."

"Did you think we'd be able to be together again?" Jenna asked me out of the blue, as she furrowed her eyebrows. "Like, us two."

"I've lied enough so I'll be honest - yes, yes I did. I thought I was on my way to being with you again" I explained, as Jenna shook her head - she looked as though she was in disbelief. "Don't get me wrong, I realise we won't be together again. I guess I just missed you and I was blind to the fact that maybe you didn't want to be with me."

"No kidding" Jenna nodded, adding a small shrug. "Well I guess all I can say to that is that I just want to be your friend. I mean, that's okay isn't it?"

I nodded with a smile, stopping outside the door of Jenna and her band's bus. "Of course it is."

Kelen's P.O.V:

"Did you both work things out?" I whispered to Jenna, as she nodded. "He's okay now?"

Jenna shrugged. "Seems to be anyway. But there's tonnes of pizza, booze and garlic bread. Let's not miss this."

The afternoon was going perfectly from then on. I wasn't sure who Jenna told about us and if she wanted anyone to know about us, so I was careful. We had all began to listen to music and dance around - when it was time to choose another song, I chose Need You Tonight as a laugh. 

Parker sighed and groaned, but eventually got up and started dancing like he did the other night for fun. Jenna clapped, getting up and joining his dance. Watching them, I sat down and drank my beer. 

Soon enough it was 2AM, everyone had sung karaoke, drank a few too many beers and had done something completely embarrassing that we'd probably forget the next day. 

As we said our goodbyes, I was last to leave when I gave Jenna a kiss on the cheek - still not sure what her band knew about our relationship yet. 

Jenna laughed, tugging on my sleeve as I walked off. Cupping my face, she gave me a kiss and pulled away shortly after. "Goodnight."

Grinning like an idiot, I couldn't wipe the huge smile off of my face. Placing my hand on the small of Jenna's back, I tilted my head. "Let me take you out on a date? If that's okay, and all."

"Of course it is" Jenna nodded, grinning just as much as I was. Running her hand through my hair, she continue. "I'd love that."

Nodding, I let go of her and raised an eyebrow. "I'll be surprising you, so I hope you like surprises."

"I sure do" Jenna nodded, giving me a small wave. "You better scoot before your bus leaves without you, you know?"

Nodding, I laughed and then said a final goodbye before stepping off of Tonight Alive's bus. Stuffing my hands into my pockets, I pretty damn happy. Nothing could ruin how great I felt.

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