(17) Didn't I, My Dear?

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Parker's P.O.V:

Yawning, turned in my bunk - only to find that I nearly fell out, and had to grab onto the side of it to stop myself from face planting with the floor. Not the best way to wake up. 

Walking into the back area after getting some cereal, I tiredly looked at Kelen to see he was scribbling something down on a paper. Slumping down beside the male, I raised an eyebrow.

"Doodles? A love letter?" I joked, lifting a spoon of cereal to my mouth. Instead of answering me, Kelen scrunched the paper he had written on in his hands. "In all seriousness, I think we should talk, just one on one."

"Look, I'm sorry if telling Jenna that I helped you ruined anything for you both. But I'm not sorry that I did it" Kelen bit his lip, shaking his head. "I know you like her, but I think you should know - if it wasn't obvious by her behaivour yesterday - that she isn't interested in a relationship with y-"

"Get to the point" I hurried Kelen, not wanting to hear about how the girl I really like, likes my band mate - my best friend.

"I... I told her that I like her" Kelen explained, sighing when I coughed on my cereal - this was a wave of shock for me.

"You what?!" I exclaimed, shaking my head. "You broke bro code. You completely broke it, trampled on it, chewed it up and spat it out."

"I know now that I shouldn't have. Don't you think I hate myself just a bit? I know you like her, dude. But so do I, and it's now everything is weird for us three" Kelen explained. "We don't know who she likes - that's if she even likes either of us. We're not having some weird love triangle where we try to make her chose one of us. We're going to sort things out with her. Firstly, you need to apologise - like I did. Then, you need to give her space, like I'm trying to. If she has feelings for either of us, we'll let her come to us. Yeah?"

"Say sorry and give her space?" I repeated, those being the only two parts of Kelen's spiel that I actually cared about. "Worth a shot, I guess."

"Look, I'm sorry. I hope this hasn't ruined our friendship" Kelen frowned, as I shook my head and jokingly slapped the back of his head when I stood up.

"Nothing will ruin our friendship. Not a girl, not anything" I smiled to Kelen as I shrugged.

There was no way Jenna could chose Kelen over me, right? I'm pretty sure I had nothing to worry about here.

Jenna's P.O.V:

After giving each other a hug, the guys and I ran onto stage were Matty was playing a drum into. Looking to the side of the stage out of habit, I frowned when I realised Kelen wasn't there like he usually was. 

Snapping out my thoughts, I jumped onto an amp as I began to sing. Now was not the time to let anything get to me. I wasn't going to let my mixed up emotions tamper with our set - instead, I was going to release them as I sang.

"You said you'd stay, I said I'd wait
All those words we spoke in vain
I still recall the bitter taste
I guess some things never change

And then I think of yesterday
And every promise that you made
I never thought I'd be 
The one that you would break...

...This is how it all turns out
You're the hero, I'm left out
I should've known you couldn't stand
Up for me and be a man

I still have dreams of you at night
I can't tell the dark from light
I never thought I'd be
The one you'd leave behind" I sang along to The Edge, jumping and spinning around stage. Letting go never felt so needed.

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