(11) Forcast: Happiness

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Parker's P.O.V:

"I'm not so sure this is a good idea..." I trailed off, walking through my band's bus. "What if-"

"We get caught?" Jenna guessed, cutting me off. I nodded in response. "If we get caught, I don't care."

As Jenna stood on the lowest bunk, she reached her arm up onto the highest bunk and felt around for anything of Amy's that we could use against her. Enjoying the view of Jenna's backside, I smiled to myself.

"Are you going to help me, or just stand there staring?" Jenna asked, lifting a leg up to place on the middle bunk. Losing her balance, she fell back onto her butt. "I guess not."

"Sorry" I laughed, holding out my hand for her. Holding it, she sat up and I lifted her up - and then onto the top bunk. 

"Uh, she isn't the cleanest person" Jenna sighed, picking things up and looking at them with an arched eyebrow. "Hang on..."

"What did you get?" I asked, looking up onto the top bunk. Seeing Jenna holding a piece of paper in her hand, I gave a guess. "A flyer for something?"

"Yeah" Jenna nodded, passing it to me. "This place opens this evening, I bet they're going."

"We should totally go!" I smiled to myself, looking over the paper. "Spy on them, or something."

"Well I'm thinking we should do something fun first" Jenna smirked, grabbing a bag off of the bunk. "Help me down would you?"

Helping Jenna down, she was quick to let go of my touch. I guess she still wasn't over everything. "What's that bag for?"

"Her make-up and stuff" Jenna shrugged, peering into the bag once she'd unzipped it. "Have you not seen Mean Girls?"

"Oh! The foot stuff, yeah" I nodded with a smile, before clearing my throat. "I, uh, watched it when I baby-sat my cousins one time..."

"If we muck around with her makeup, maybe it'll annoy her a little" Jenna suggested, picking some things out of the makeup bag she got from Amy's bunk. Walking into the small bathroom, the blonde looked around. "Do you have aftershave or something?"

"Nope" I sighed, looking through the few grooming stuff we had on the bus. "Kelen does however happen to get really bad dry skin on his feet. He has this foot powder, it fucking stinks."

"Is it white?" Jenna asked, as I nodded. Picking the container up, she shook some out and into a powder of Amy's. "This is perfect. We make a pretty good team."

I nodded in agreement, giving Jenna a smile. We were a good time. "So is that foundation or something?"

"It's setting powder... You use it to set everything in place after you've done all of your makeup" Jenna explained, as if it was obvious. Fair enough.

"Right" I nodded, giving a small shrug. "So what else do we have in there?"

Digging through the makeup bag again, Jenna found a foundation and brown bottle - I'm guessing it was self tanner. "A-huh! We'll make her look orange."

"Fuck yeah!" I nodded, watching Jenna pour the tan into the foundation. Shaking the bottle, we laughed together as our plans were coming together. 

- - -

Walking into the restaurant and finding a table for two, Jenna sat down and skimmed through the menu as I sat opposite her.

"This isn't a date" Jenna sighed, looking up at me. "It's an investigation."

"What a shame" I joked, pretending to frown as she laughed and hit me over the head with the menu playfully.

"Anyway, this place has the weirdest stuff" Jenna furrowed her eyebrows, shrugging. "I'll have to get the lemon and chilly salmon... Sounds like the most edible thing, somehow."

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