(04) It Was The Heaviest Rain

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Parker's P.O.V:

Well, Jenna just stormed off the bus. Great. Things really weren't looking good for us. I mean, as if they should. But still, how long was this going to go on for? Turning to Kelen, I watched as he stood with his mouth open.

"How did you even know that Jenna and I dated?" I asked the male in front of me, raising an eyebrow. I wonder how he even found out. Did he see us? Did I say something when I was drunk once? "I didn't tell anyone about that... I don't think I did, anyway."

"She told me" Kelen shrugged it off, sitting on the front lounge. "She didn't tell me you cheated on her, but now that I know... Well, I'm not sure what to think about you."

"Hey! Hear me out" I sighed, sitting across from Kelen. I get that to him it's a shock, or whatever, but it wasn't just as simple as that. "She thinks I'm the biggest asshole on the planet and I don't blame her. But... I don't know. I can explain, trust me."

"Well, go on then. Explain" Kelen raised both eyebrows, folding his arms. "Jenna and I are getting kinda close as friends, so when I want to hang out with her, I never can with you around. I wanna know why."

"You already know about Mia and I", I began, biting my lip as I tried to think of the best way to explain myself. There was no best way, I was just going to have to try and say it how it was. "Well... I, uh... Mia and I..."

"Yeah?" Kelen motioned his hand for me to hurry up. "We don't have long until our set. If it's even on... Anyway, I'd like to know t-t-today!"

"Fine, I'll hurry it up" I nodded, getting the point. Trust Kelen to be a goof even when I'm trying to be serious. "Well there's no easy way of explaining this so I guess I'll just say it... Yes, Jenna's right. I dated two girls at once. I have reasons-"

"Reasons? There's no reason to cheat, Parker. What the hell, dude? You're better than that. At least, I thought you were" Kelen shook his head. "So you're the guy Jenna wrote Don't Wish about, huh?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, scratching the back of my neck. Was that a Tonight Alive song? I haven't been on track of their stuff lately. I guess I've been trying to block Jenna out. It wasn't working that well, though.

"You haven't listened to it? It's... Whatever. Maybe you should come watch their set some day. Just get on with the story" Kelen sighed, getting up to get us both a beer from the fridge.

"While we were touring on Suppy Nation, Jenna and I spent some time together. Away from the bands, y'know? Well, we got along really well and we liked each other's company. I thought Jenna was just so cute and funny and... Well, we decided that we'd see each other whenever we both had time off - that wasn't often, as it turned out" I explained with a small shrug. That was a slightly condensed version of what happened.

"So where does Mia fit in here? Did you meet her before or after you met Jenna?" Kelen asked, taking a swig from his beer after passing me one. "Wait, that was before Suppy Nation. You mentioned something to me about Mia before the tour..."

"Yeah. Mia and I were on and off, and then after the tour when we were off for like a month, Jenna was on tour somewhere else. Mia and I spent more time together, because I didn't think what Jenna and I had was really that much" I explained further, sighing as I opened the beer in my hands. "I know, dick move."

"How long did that go on for?" Kelen sighed, drinking more of his beer. "Wait - maybe I don't want to know that."

"A y-... A while..." Parker shrugged, not wanting to answer Kelen's question. The guy said himself he may not want to know. "I guess I liked Jenna but couldn't tell anyone and then I liked Mia but couldn't tell anyone. So then I realised how stupid I was and broke up with Jenna, because our relationship was more of a long distance one than Mia and I's. Well, Mia ended up being a total nightmare" I explained, talking quickly. It wasn't something I ever thought I'd be telling Kelen, or the guys. At least not for a long time. I don't know why, but it seemed better off that way.

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