•Chapter 18:"Stanley's Bar Mitzavah"•

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The past three days is actually nonsense boring stuff by myself, me and the Losers never talked a lot, but I tried to encountered with them as I could, even if it's just small talks or me husy saying hi to them, seeing their presence and being with them in such a short nick of time means a lot to me.

I can't believe it's only been three f***ing days. I can't live without them.

I was on Stan's Bar Mitzavah as he had me invited me last couple days ago, which is great that I can get to see him also, which what he was preparing for all summer.

I am wearing a peachy with a tint of pink colored dress with a flowy skirt and a lace sleeves that goes through my arm with flower patterns going along with it, I was also wearing gold ballet flats.

Like I said I wasn't really into dress, but at this type of occasion, I felt like I need to.

I have a small handbag with just my phone and important stuff in it.

I got there so early, no visitors or people came in whatsoever.

"Y/N!" Stan shouted upstairs, echoing the whole room. I look up seeing his hair all slicked back. Waving his hand to me.

"Oh! Hey..um Hi Stan!" I said as I waved back and smiled at him.

He walked down the steps fastly as he could. He was wearing a dark blue suit with a red tie and leather shoes.

"You, came." He said.

"Yeah, so uhm. I'm early! What time does this Bar Mitzavah start again?" I asked him.

"Oh! I-I was about to call you, an-and you didn't answer then I heard you walked in so, i'm a bit too late. It's supposed to start at 10! Actually." He said pretty nervously.

"It's ok, your pretty nervous I can tell." I said to him.

"Uhhhhh......you think? I'm....i'm sorry, it's just ,practicing my speech, and reading the Torah, my dad being so dissapointed if I made a mistake, and uh-uh." And at that he began to panicked.

"Hey..hey, you'll be fine. And besides, don't think hard on yourself, all right? Just take a deep breath and don't worry much especially your dad ok?" I said calming him down.


"Stanley?" His father came in.

"Oh! Well hello ms. Y/N, nice of you being this early!" He said a bit taken a back that I was early. Wonder why?

"Yeah, um thanks.......mr. Uris?"

"I need to borrow Stanley in a while, may I offer you a cup of tea or coffee or something? You must've woken up quite early." He said.

"That would be lovely." I said accepting his dad's offer.

"Sure, this way." He said as he led me to the kitchen where his mom is cooking up something.

"What would like? Coffee? Tea?" He asked.

"Um..just tea please?"

"Hey dear, would you mind Y/N to grab her a cup of tea? Please?" He asked mrs. Uris.

"Oh sure, come Y/N have a seat." She said.

"Your awfully early." She said as she sets up a kettle, boiling water.

"Yeah, I guess I wasn't informed." I said to her as I smiled.

Why...the f*ck am I being so polite today? Must've been my sleep. Am I drugged or something. Yep, somebody drugged me. What if it's Pennywise? Hah! F*ck that clown. Not Penny of course. I thought.

WRAP IN TIME (LOSERS CLUB X READER)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ