One - Periods and Zain

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One - Periods and Zain
I wake up in the morning feeling sick and achey. Every girl knows the feeling. The feeling where you just wanna lay in bed coz you just don't give a shit about the world at the moment. I immediately decide to ring Liam to tell him that I don't feel in the mood to go anywhere today. Thank god for cell phones. I reach over to my night stand and grab my mobile. I listen quietly to the phone ring as I wait for him to pick up on the other line.

"Hey Cher Bear."

"Hi Li." I say.

"What's going on?"

"I don't want to go out today. I don't feel so well."

"Are you sick?"

"Not really; I'm on my period Liam."

"What's that?"

Oh my frigging god. The dude doesn't know what a period is.

"Liam; my stomach hurts. I just don't feel like going out with you."

"Can I come over?"

"I guess," I say begrudgingly.

"Yay, I'll be over there soon. I'll also bring something to help you out."

"Thanks buddy."

"You're welcome Cher."

"See ya."


I hang up and wait for my ignorant boyfriend to come and see me. I am aware of the fact that we've only been dating for a couple months. But the boy oughta know what a period is by now. He's 19; practically a grown man and I don't wanna have to deal with this every month, for a week, as long as I'm dating him. Sounds like hell to me.

I get off my bed and go to my bathroom to check on myself. Thank god I saw this coming and was prepared. After I change so that I can get into a more comfortable position I go to my lounge area and lay on the couch. My stomach burns painfully and it kills me. Maybe I should have told him no, I don't need someone to annoy me right now. What if I lash out on him? I get up and drag myself to the bathroom to swallow some pain relievers. Hopefully that will help. If it is I know it's gonna take a bit coz I lay on the couch with no results.

Liam knocks on my flat door about 30 minutes after our phone call. His knocking awakens me from a small nap. I drag myself off the couch and open the door. I see smiling Liam carrying some bags in his hands.

"Hi Cher, I've got you some sprite and crackers." He tells me.

"Thank you Liam."

"You're welcome Cher."

I take the bags from his hands and set them on the table. I move over to my cabinet and grab myself a glass before pouring some soda into it. We sit in silence as I drink it. But as usual Liam finds a way to break it in an awkward way.

"I missed you at the big game." He says.

"I know you did Li."

"We won."


"Could you please come next time?"


"You always say that and never do."

"Liam I'm your girlfriend, not your mother. It's not like you even get any playing time in the first place. Leave me alone about it please."

"I'm sorry. But everyone says that if you really liked me you'd go to the matches. I know you like me; so I'm confused."

"Don't be; you know I don't like sports. That's all there is to it. It's nothing against you. You're perfect."

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