Nine - Guilt and Spooning

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Nine - Guilt and Spooning

The next morning I wake up in my flat alone. The place is cold and I feel so lonely. Maybe it's the distance I now feel with Liam. And you know what Zain told me, "remember that this is your fault." Maybe he's right; I should've stopped him. But I am way too late and have the aching torso to prove it. It's done and finished; there's nothing I can do.

I climb to my kitchen to make myself some breakfast; then and there my phone starts ringing. It's Liam. I hesitantly answer.


"Hi Cher, could I move with you today?" He asks.

"Why so soon?"

"We'll talk about it later."

"Okay; then I'll see you later today."


"I love you Liam."

"Yes; bye."


He's never told me that he loves me. And now I feel guilty. He's never said it but has been faithful; and I've said it but the words have proved themselves false to power. Now I feel like a complete whore. I've given Liam up for his roommates 10 minute love. It wasn't worth it.

About 30 minutes later an unknown number pops up on my phone; and I know it's Zain. I don't wanna answer; but I do.

"I'm going to tell him." I say.

"Good; take the responsibility. After all, it's your fault." I feel a lump form in my throat.

"Why are you so mean?"

"I'm not mean; you are. I didn't cheat on a boy who is kind and innocent. You did. Next time you want to ask that remember what you did."

I start to cry. I just hang up and go on my way. Soon enough Liam comes knocking on my door. I answer it deeply saddened.

"Hey Liam."

"Hi Cher." He says bending over to kiss me. It was very nice. Way better than any of Zain's anyway. Maybe that's just because I don't feel guilt when Liam and I kiss.

Liam sets his stuff down and takes off his shoes. He sits down on the couch and I follow after him but keep my distance.

"I'm sorry about last night Li."

"No it's fine. I was okay. Besides, you're letting me stay here so I have no right to hold a grudge."

"Thanks Li." I say.

"No problem."

"So what's going on with you; are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm good." I start. "Everything's alright."

"Good I'm happy." Liam pauses. "Why don't you come closer and sit with me?"

The truth is that I don't want to because I feel uncomfortable about it because of my little fling with Zain. But I don't think I'll be telling him that. I climb over to his lap and sit on it. Liam wraps his arms around my waist and pecks my temple.

"That's much better." He says moving us both so that we're in a comfortable cuddling position. I've now learned that Liam's lap is my favourite place to sit.

"Um, how does the house look Liam?"

"It looks like a mess. But Zain caused it so he's cleaning it up." I lightly smile.

"You're a bad boy Payne."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. You've got a change in attitude and it's hot."

"Really? Good."

He presses his lips on mine gently. It isn't brief nor harsh. He just nicely kisses me.

"I wanna be the only one who knows what it's like to be like this with you."

"Me too." He says replanting his lips on my cheek.

"You know you're a little late for that."

"Yeah I know; but let's just pretend like I'm not okay."


"Because after all, I'll make sure that I'm your last first kiss."

I take a moment and think back to Liam and I's first kiss. It was the most perfect first kiss I've ever had.

"I'd like that Liam."

He once again pecks my temple leaving my face smiling. He is perfect. I don't want him to ever leave.

“So, why did you leave today?”

“Zain and I had a conversation. I don’t wanna talk to him ever again. You’re mine Cher; I don’t share my friends and I don’t like the way he talks about you. You’re right; he’s a bad influence.”

“I don’t think it was working; you haven’t changed. You’re still sweet, cute and pleasant.”

“I know; but I just don’t want to hear about it. If you don’t breathe it in it just stays in your air annoying you.”

“That’s true Liam.”

I can’t believe he did it; he left Zain. I thought it would never happen because it seemed that he’s oblivious to the actions of people around him. I guess he notices more than I thought.

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