Eleven - Breaks and Mistakes

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Eleven – Breaks and Mistakes

I wake up to Liam messing around in the kitchen. He isn’t loud but not necessarily quiet either. I get up and shut my door to change, setting my morning greeting aside for later. I should probably tell him soon. Even though it’s gonna be hard; I’d rather him cry in front of me than someone else after he eventually finds out. Zain won’t tell anyone; I know that. But I can’t keep this secret forever.

I come out my room and go see Liam; he stands over the table at where he pours food on to plates.

“Hey Liam.”

“Hi Cher.” He says. I quickly hug him before sitting down. “I made you breakfast. Sorry if I woke you.”

“It’s okay.”

I sit there and eat quietly with Liam. He’s so cute. We don’t say anything; just eat. I want to savor the few moments with Liam happy today. After I finish my plate I get up and kneel on the floor to hug Liam’s torso. He’s so cuddly; a lot more than Zain could have ever been. He sets his arms on me.

“I love you Cher.”

“Li there’s something I have to say.”

“You’re breaking up with me aren’t you?” He lets go of me already sounding upset.

“N- no. Li I wouldn’t do that. I don’t want to lose you.”

“Then why are you talking to me like this? You’re worrying me.” He whines.

“Liam I cheated on you with Zain. I'm sorry." I just spit it out.

He stays silent for a moment making me nervous.

"Did you like it?"

"Excuse me?"

"Did you like it Cher?! Was he any better than I am?!" He yells standing up.

"No, of course not. I wasted my time Liam. You're the best I ever had. I'm really sorry Liam."

"Sorry can't fix this Cher. You told me to stay away from him coz he's hurting us but all you do is go behind my back and sleep with him."

"Liam it wasn't like that; we did it and I went home. It was nothing special."

"Is that how little I'm worth to you Cher!? So little that all you needed was a quickie to feel good about yourself?! What kind of friend are you?"

"Liam that's not what I meant. The point was that he means nothing too me. There's nothing to worry about Liam. I love you and I'm sorry it took infidelity for me to realise how much you mean to me."

"I'm flattered; but you don't mean jackshit to me." I flinch, I've never heard him swear before. "I'm moving out as soon as I can. I don't want to talk to you or see your stupid face again." Turns to leave but I reach out to his hand to stop him.

"Please Liam, don't be like this. I need you to understand and forgive me." He finally turns his head and I see his red eyes collecting water.

"I can't Cher. You said that I was special and that you only wanted me to be happy. That's twice Cher. Are there any other lies I should know about?"

"They weren't lies Liam I've told the truth all along. You didn't deserve that Liam, I'm so sorry about what I've done. Please forgive me."

"I forgive you Cher; but I'm afraid we should break up. I can't be seen with a whore." And with those hurtful words he left.



I walk into the dark and quiet flat. I don’t think Cher’s awake anymore. I walk through the house picking up my things before I walk into Cher’s room where she lies asleep. She looks pretty, and happy. People do things for a reason; maybe we really never needed each other after all. Maybe we both want to care but we really don’t. I want to wake her up and apologize for what I said. But I’m too weak to; if I do I’ll probably take her back. But I can’t do that; nothing will ever be the same. I’d rather her go off and date Zain, have a whole bunch of children with him and never get married than to be back with her while things are different.

But I would like to hop under her blanket with her and lay with her just one more time. That’d make me happy.

But I guess it’s best to try and move on as soon as possible. I clear my clothes out of her room and take one last look at sleeping beauty. I peck her head and leave the home before I start crying.

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