Three - Kisses and Firsts

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Three - Kisses and Firsts
Liam stayed with me for the rest of the day. We ate lunch together and ordered some Chinese for dinner. I enjoy being with him. He's just so sweet and cute. Liam and I sat on my sofa eating while watching The Big Bang Theory that night. We laughed and watched until about 9:30. By then we had finished dinner and my house was a mess. I turn off the telly. Liam and I are awkwardly quiet.

"Thanks for hanging out with me these last couple days Li." I tell him.

"Thanks for letting me. I like hanging out with you."

"And I like being the only one." I start. "You're a great partner Liam."

"You too Cher."

I immediately smile and Liam smiles back at me. He's so cute. And once I think that the moment ends right there; Liam press his lips to my face then to my cheek. But he stops. I am content with those little kisses, because he hasn't kissed me before. But once I think he's done he leans over and kisses my mouth for the first time. He does so lightly, and looks like a cute little boy fascinated with magic as he pulls away from me.

But he goes for it again and lets the moment last. Our lips move in sync on each other's as he sets his hands on my waist hesitantly, then gets a little "adventurous" and moves down to my hips. But then he quickly pulls away.

"I'm sorry."

"Babe it's okay." I say. "There wasn't anything wrong with that."

"My mum told me that I needed to respect a girl and keep my hands from her."

"Liam; it's only disrespect if she doesn't like it."

"Well; if you like it and I've never really touched you, what does that make me?"

"A boy who respects himself enough to wait on the special someone."

"But what if you're that special someone?"

"Then it won't hurt to wait Liam."

"Okay Cher."

"I love you Liam." I say for the first time. I like the way the words flow with his name.

"Thanks Cher. I enjoyed being here with you. It was fun."


"But I'll be going home tonight."


I reach over and hug my Liam. I listen to his heartbeat for a couple moments. Once I pull away from him I want to kiss him because I like the way it feels. But I don't coz it's our first night doing that and I don't wanna push it. Maybe next time.

"Goodnight Liam."

"Goodnight Bear."

Liam gets up and leaves me alone for the night. That was the best moment of my life.


The next day I wake up on my couch a little before lunch time. My stomach growls as I have been ignoring my hunger all morning to get some sleep. I really need to catch up on my routine. This last week I have been up late studying and stuff; it as a result has worn me out. Not to mention that I tend to sleep in; which puts my metabolism off and can make me finally gain weight. Maybe that won't be such a bad thing but I don't wanna gain weight in an unhealthy fashion. I can wait until I age.

I get up and walk over to my kitchen area to make something to eat. Once I pour my cereal and milk into a bowl I can barely take one bite before my door is knocked on. I think it's Liam, so I decide to ignore it coz I'm not awake enough to deal with his ignorance. I shove more cereal in my mouth before I hear Katie's voice.

"Open up Cher! You and I both know that you aren't knobbing so there's no reason not to."

I get up and run to open the door I quickly swallow so that I can yell at Katie.

"What the hell?! Now the whole neighbourhood knows." I yell.

"I had to get you to open up one way or another."

I shut the door and sit back on my chair to eat.

"What do you want?" I say with a mouth full of fruit loops.

"Liam left late last night and seemed shook up; are you guys okay?"

"Yeah perfect; do you have a cigarette?" I dismiss her.

"No Cher. You're not getting cigarettes from me."

"If you loved me you'd give 'em."

"If you loved your father you wouldn't ask." I pout giving up on relieving my nicotine addiction. "Did you guys break up?"

"No we just," I pause thinking of a way to tell her.

"You're taking a break?"

"Just quit your guessing already we kissed!" I finally let out.

"You kissed Liam? OMG."

"No he kissed me."

"He kissed you? Even better. I can't believe this!"

"Well believe it, coz it happened. Like 3 times."

"Wow; I wasn't expecting this so soon."

"Me neither but it just happened. I don't know, we were just chillin' then we shared some sweet words and he kissed me."

"OMG I'm so happy for you."

"Yeah thanks; just please respect me and Liam enough to keep this between us."

"Yes. My lips are sealed."

Katie and I spent the day together for some girl time. It was fun; but Liam never called. I hope everything's alright.

(A/N and there's no Chiam kisses pics either life really does klafb.)

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