Seven - Needles and Shirts

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Seven - Needles and Shirts

I get up the next morning to meet Liam at the tattoo parlour. I'm excited to watch him get his first tattoo but also just a little nervous coz I don't want the baby to cry; or to hurt for that matter, getting tattoos is a literal pain.

At around 11am I see Li at the front. He looks at me sweetly and smiles. But I can tell he's nervous, but I ask him anyways to be polite instead of just assuming.


"Hey babe." I say. He hugs me and I kiss his cheek. "You nervous?"

"Yeah a little."

"You'll be alright."

I take his hand and we walk into the shop. There I see Liam's artist who is a very creepy man. He has tattoos all over himself and if I like tattoos and am scared of him, you know he's frightening. Liam just sits down and shows him his forearm so that they can work on it. He doesn't seem scared at all. Next thing you know 30 minutes and €100 euros later Liam has a feather tattooed on his arm.

"Thank you." Liam tells the artist.

"You're welcome. Stop by when you're ready for another one."

"I will." Liam says.

Liam and I leave the shop and go back to my flat. He keeps thanking me and being sweet. It makes me want to kiss him; after all, we kiss stuff we think is cute and if someone doesn't think Liam is cute, I will beat the shit out of them and then ask again.

Li sits down with me on the sofa to watch the telly. He keeps glancing down at his arm; it's still puffy and red so I'm sure it still hurts. But my poor baby's in pain.

"You want something Liam? Some ice or whatever?"

"No I'm fine. Thanks Cher." He says. We just sit there doing nothing, so I lean over against Liam's comfy torso. He wraps his good arm around me and kisses my forehead.

"I wanna throw you a birthday party."


"Coz I love you. You deserve a birthday party."

"Okay but, who are we gonna invite? No one came to my 16th birthday, so who's gonna come to my 20th?"

"No one came to your 16th birthday?"

"Mm mm. None of my invitees showed up."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay; it's not your fault. Plus, I know that if I invited you that you would come."

"That's for sure." I assure him. "You're the best person I know; of course I would come and see you. You'll look so cute in a birthday hat..." He blushes lightly. "With the candles to light up your sweet blushing face."

"What about your birthday parties? What I wouldn't give to see you in a cute birthday hat."

"Just a few close family members and friends. My parents never allowed me to go to parties."

"That was a good choice."

"It was; now I've come to appreciate it." We say nothing and I believe we've finally come to decision making time.

"So, tell me everything you'd like to have at your party and I'll get it for you."

"Okay, could we have ice cream cake?"


"And a bouncy house?"

I pause for a moment. "Are you trying to get beat up?" He makes a pouty face. "No bouncy houses."

"Okay, then could we have balloons and noise makers?"

"I guess."

So I spend the rest of my afternoon with Liam planning his birthday; in the end I got him a nice party set up as his place. I would've done it at mine but it's too small and having a party on the 3rd floor might get me kicked out. But other than that everything's good; I got Li the proper party set up and we'll have a good time. Hopefully.

(A/N Never forget the sexiness of Chiam)

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