Fifteen - Changes and Chances

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Fifteen – Changes and Chances

I slowly climb into bed. We have just gotten back from our quick celebration of our 5th month together and I don’t feel in the mood to stay up any longer. It’s already 9 and although Cher will probably be staying up all night as usual I don’t think I wanna hang out with her today. I pull off my pants and put on my pajamas I left sitting on the bed. I glance over at Cher who happens to be currently changing. My first thought is to stop looking, but I keep staring at my favorite tattoo of hers. The one on her back. I can’t see all of it because of her waistline, but I see enough of it to be happy. Cher puts her pajama shirt on and takes off her jeans. Now I can’t see it at all.

“I thought you’d look away Liam.” She says unexpectantly. She turns around to face me.

“I know; I just really love that tattoo. It makes you look smaller, and it’s so cute.”  Cher climbs into bed with me and cuddles up against me. I wrap my arms around her shoulders and peck her crooked nose and the adorable scar on her forehead. “Do you honestly think that we could be this happy with each other forever?”

“That’d be so nice.”

“Yeah,” I bite my lip staring into Cher’s big brown eyes. “thanks for giving me a chance.”

“You’ll always be welcome. I wish I gave you one sooner. You’re the best I ever had.” She smiles lightly.

“Thanks, you too. You’re so perfect and out of my league, I can’t believe you’re mine.”

“There’s no such thing as leagues Liam. You’re a sweet boy and you deserve attention and a chance. That’s all that matters.” She starts. “And I’m sorry I cheated. I still can’t believe I did that.”

“It’s okay; it’ll all be fine at the end of the day. I promise.” I lay my head down at her shoulder and cuddle her closer to me. “I love you.”

“I know Liam.” She says. “And I love you too.”


I wake up the next morning with Cher under my arm and I feel happy. Like really, really happy. 5 months is starting to feel like forever and I officially can’t believe it. I smile as I poke Cher trying to wake her up.


“Cher? I’m gonna go out. I should be back in a few hours.” I tell her.

“Liam I’m trying to sleep. You’re a grown man I don’t have to get a mummy alert every time you leave the house.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine just go and have fun.”


Sometimes I wish Liam understood that just coz he’s not tired doesn’t mean everyone else is too. He got dressed and left in a semi-noisy fashion and then slammed the front door. I wonder where he’s going. Maybe I should’ve asked. It’s too late now, and it’s not exactly like I need to know. I trust him. I guess I’ll just have a personal day while he’s out. Maybe I could finally watch one of my R rated movies without little Li Li flinching, blushing, or covering his ears. Not that I don’t think it’s cute. I get up and drag myself to my kitchen where I scoop myself some ice cream and flop on the couch. I put in my movie and watch quietly until my phone rings. I pause the TV and walk to my room to find that it wasn’t Liam. The number was without a name, but I knew who it was.

“What do you want?”

“To come over.” He giggles. “No pun intended.”

“You can’t come over okay? Bye now.”

“But Liam’s not home.”

Creeped out I walk out over to my bedroom window, but don’t see him. He has to be in the neighborhood if he knows.

“I don’t wanna talk to you.”

I hurry to hang up this time without waiting to hear what he has to say. I don’t wanna talk to him longer than I have to; I won’t make that mistake again. Although it’s probably impossible for me to do so. It was the weirdest fling I’ve had. I mean, I’ve only slept with 3 people. Although when I say only I do realize 3 is too many people to be messing around with. Sadly though, my first broke up with me a little before my second year in college and my other cheated on me. Then there is Zain who treated me worse than my two timer. Two timer just hurt me but going to mess around with a woman older than him, Zain was just a straight up creep. And I kid you not when I say the first thing he said when he was done was “this is your fault.” It is, but to make it my fault and then throw the blame on me is rude. Anyways, the point is I’m never making that mistake again. Liam deserves better than that in the first place.

Even if our relationship never actually gets physical. The least I could do is be faithful. Although I wonder what he thinks of me coz he’s not expressive like other guys are. Maybe I’m not sure; but he probably thinks of me as some kind of weird mummy figure. I do like the way he talks to me, the way he looks at me, and the way he holds me. But I do miss having a masculine boyfriend. It just seems natural; although because Liam isn’t too masculine he doesn’t act much like a prick like the others did whether on accident or on purpose. I like that, and I think he cuddles better too. I wish he was here to cuddle with me.


I woke up to someone entering the house. I opened my eyes and was basically blinded by the lights. I then saw it was Liam.

“Liam? Where have you been?”

“You know; just out and about.  Sorry about the time.”

"It's okay I guess. Just lemme get some sleep tonight."

"I understand."

I got up and we walked back to my room. I flopped right down on my side of the bed and Liam turned the lights off. I don't think Liam was coming in bed though. I heard the little noises of the dresser and then the sound off bumping.

"Ow!" Liam cried.

"You didn't have to turn the lights out Li."

"I know." He whines.

"Just come here so I can kiss it."

"Okay." He says as if he was blushing.

I hear the sound of the matress taking another person's form. I reach out to him and find his torso. I then lean over to him and peck his head.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I tell him.


"Goodnight baby."

(A/N So sorry about the wait, I meant to update earlier but never do. But hold on, coz you're reaching the climax of the story and things are about to get really fun.)

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