Sixteen - Rings and Special Things

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Sixteen - Dinner and Becoming a Winner

Cher and I sit at our table quietly staring at our menus. I look through the list to decide what I want to eat, but every few moments I steal glances
of Cher who looks extra cute looking down and reading by the way. She eventually sets her menu down having made a decision.
"Yes?" I answer.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome," I smile. "You deserve this, you're the world's most legit princess."
She blushes cutely. I like when she does that, it makes me smile.
"I love you."
"I love you too Liam."
I find exactly what I want to eat and we wait patiently for our waiter to return. It takes about another 30 minutes for our entrées to arrive, but that's a restaurant for you.
On the bright side of things though, I got to watch Cher eat and cut things. The bottom line is that I like watching her do stuff.

Cher's POV
I sit in my seat eating as I try to ignore, smiling, googly eyes Liam. His smile is adorable, but he should get to his own business.
"Liam eat your food's gonna get cold."
"Okay." he half whines. He picks up his fork and then quickly drops it. "Cher could you pick that up for me please?"
Although I'm not in anyway charmed by his request I pick up his fork for him. As I try to raise my head I get some complications as I hit it on the table.
"Cher?" Liam asks.
I look up at my blushing boyfriend who is holding a ring.
"I've been with you for a short time but I love you and want to be your friend forever. You make me happy and I want to be the guy that makes you smile. So I wanna know if you'll marry me?"
"Put it away Liam."
"Why?" He says looking disappointed.
"Because I need to talk to you." He obidiently puts it away, but the sad look doesn't leave his face. "Liam, are you sure you want to do that?" He nods.
"I want to marry you."
"I can see that; but there's no turning back. Once we're married you're stuck with me."
"I wanna be stuck with you forever."
I think for a moment, do I wanna be stuck with Liam forever? I love him and am sure I always will. But I never imagined how difficult and how much thought went into those 4 sweet and little words.
"Is this why you got a job?"
"Mhm, I wanna be able to take care of you Cher. You're my girl."
I smile. I can't say 'no' to him, I couldn't if I wanted to.
"Okay, I trust you. I will marry you Liam."
"Yay!" He says quickly before digging the ring out his pocket.
I give him my hand, which he takes with his. His fingers always dwarfed mine, but I like that some how he managed to find a good ring size and to get me the perfect ring.
"Thank you Liam."
"You're welcome." He blushes.
"I can't believe this is happening."
"Me neither, mostly that you said yes."
"I can't say no to you Liam. You're too cute."
"You too." He smiles.
"Thank you for taking me out."
"Thank you for making this the best day of my life."
"Mhm; you're welcome. Forever and always."
"Are you sure you won't divorce me?"
I stare straight at the frowning boy shocked at what he had said.
"Seriously Liam? It's too soon."
"Sorry, I'm just worried."
"You're worried; I'm the one who should be worried. We just got engaged like 2 seconds ago and you're already talking about divorce."
"It's fine but gosh. You never fail to surprise me."
"I'm sorry." He says once again.
"Oh stop it. You apologize too much; I'm not your mother."
"Sorry." He says but I ignore him. If I correct him once again I bet he'll just apologize again.
"How about I pick up the bill and go home?"
"No." Liam shakes his head. "I'll pick it up; you're the lady."
"Thank you Liam."
"If I stop saying sorry you have to stop saying thank you."
Liam flags down our waiter and pays the bill quickly. Before I know it we were almost home, driving tiredly and quietly. I should really learn how to drive. If Liam starts working and I still can't drive then I won't be able to go anywhere during his shift. That'd be boring, I don't wanna be stuck in the house all day.
"Hey Liam?"
"Yeah Bear?" he answers right away.
"Could you teach me to drive?"
"Yeah, sure. That sounds fun."
"Thank you."
"I'm sorry." He repeats with a smile.
I look at his proud and stupid face. What a lame joke.
We get home about 5 minutes later. I take the agonizing walk up the stairs to my flat. I was too tired and my heels weren't agreeing with me. But as Liam told me, I make it. Once I get to my bed I simply slip out my clothes, take out my extentions, and flop down in my spot. It feels so nice, I really needed it. I lay there wondering where my matress had been all day, then Liam comes over to me. He lays there and smiles in my face, as anyone could obviously tell, he's happy.
"I love you."
"I know," I smile. "I love you too."
"You're so pretty with short hair."
"Thank you, but I'm not cutting it again after it grows back. I shouldn't have done that."
"Oh my, it's like you, don't try
Look so good I might die
All I know is everybody loves you" Oh god not now.
I always feel a sense of annoyance when Liam sings to me, but since he's putting me on the spot I can't help but blush.
"Gotta kiss yourself you're too pretty"
"Stop singing."
"You're too hot, hot damn,
Call the police, call the fire man"
"Okay stop."
"What you're pretty?"
"So? Stop it; I don't like to be sung to."
"But I like singing to you; I can't help it when I look into you're beautiful, inspiring eyes."
"So I'm pretty and my eyes are beautiful?"
"Mhm, mostly just because there's no perfect word to describe you as a whole. Besides 'perfect'; which is too broad because it can mean lots of things. But what I do know is that you're 'cher.' That's the only way I can describe you."
"What does that mean?"
"You're my dear. The lady with the amazing eyes; the lady with the sweet smile. With the cute nose, satisfying lips, holdable hands, bitchy attitude that somehow is so charming. You got a torso that's begging to be hugged and a shoulder that's begging to be cried upon. There's also a lot of other things about you too, but I won't mention those coz I'm too embarrassed too. But the bottom line is that you've got it all. That's what it means to be Cher."
I smile.
"Thank you."
"I told you to stop saying that. You're breaking the rules and you need to be punished."
He looks me dead in the eyes and leans forward to kiss me. After a quick peck though, he leaves.
"I will admit, I like hearing you say 'thank you'. But there's nothing to be thankful for. I only made the right desicion to hike up my skirt and ask you out."
"Still can't believe you did that."
"Me neither; but obviously it was worth a shot."
"It was."
"Goodnight now."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2014 ⏰

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