Six - Tattling and Tattoos

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Six - Tattling and Tattoos

The next morning I go messing around my flat cleaning. Liam's coming over to see me. I miss him. Usually he comes knocking on my door first thing in the morning and even though it annoys the hell out of me I'm used to it to the point where if it doesn't happen I get upset and uncomfortable. But he's been doing tests all day and that doesn't help my situation. I just look at the clock waiting for Liam to be finished with his stupid test so that he can see me. I'm his girlfriend after all and deserve his attention.

A little after 12 Liam comes knocking on the door. I walk over to it and unlock it. Soon enough Liam comes into the flat. He smiles, as usual and looks very happy. A happiness that can always make me extremely happy. He comes to me and hugs me. I just hug him back and he kisses my cheek.


"Hi Cher." He says. "What's up?"

"I don't want you to talk Zain anymore."

"What? Why not?" He asks pulling away from me.

"Coz he hit on me and called my tattoo hot."

"Which one?"

"The one on my back."

"Can I see it?"

"You wanna see my back?"


I nod surprised at his request. I pull off my shirt and turn around for him. He comes closer to me and sets his hands on my waist and shoulder. I tremble under his touch. He's never touched me like this before. But I like the way his hands feel on my bare skin.

"Why haven't I seen this one before?"

"Because it’s on my back." I say turning around. "If I showed it to you you'd run." He lightly smiles before setting his hand on my neck.

"I'm not mad; he was telling the truth Cher."

Liam leans over to me and kisses me; moving both hands to my waist. I can't believe his actions this past week; it makes me feel he's getting a little too excited and needs to calm down. He starts pressing against me to the point where I almost lean onto the couch but I put my hand down to stop it. I pull away from him and he looks the slightest bit disappointed. I reach over and grab my shirt to put it back on.

"I might like a tattoo." Liam says.

"Are you sure Liam?"

"Yeah I'll have to think about of what but, it sounds like a plan."

"I'll buy it for you."


"Yeah, I'll do it for your birthday. My mum bought me one so I'll get you one. It's just around the corner."

"Yeah." He agrees. He stays quiet like he wants to talk about something. And I think I know what it is. But I just mind my own business and wait for him to say something. "Cher bear?"


"I think we all know what Zain likes for his birthday."

"Well duh."

"Mhm, and um, he says that by 20 I should had lost my virginity. Am I a freak?"

"No baby your special. Everyone expects you to lose it before now but you shouldn't feel like you have to. It's good to be pure; your parents are proud of you."

"Am I hurting you?"

"Why would you be hurting me?"

"Because Zain says that to be a good boyfriend I must pay my due. That I need to care for every single one of your needs." That sick son of a bitch.

"Liam, don't listen to him. All I want is for you to be happy."

"But I just want you to be happy."

"And I am happy. You make me sound like a whore." He makes a face at my language.


"No apologises. You're perfect remember." I say hugging his cuddly figure. "Don't kiss me unless you mean it okay?"


"And I don't mean to pressure you, but could you move in with me? I don't want Zain telling you that shit anymore."

"I won't have to sleep with you will I?"

"Not if you don't want to."


"I love you so much."

"You're my best friend." He says caressing my back.

"I don't want him to hurt us Liam. So don't listen to him. If I have a problem I'll tell you. But that won't ever be possible, you're perfect."

"No I'm not, why do you say that?"

"Because you are; there's nothing wrong with you. Out of every guy I've seen or met, you're the only one who's treated me with respect. And who's been sexy in his own little way."

He blushes cutely.

"Thank you." He says.

I wanna kiss him coz he's being adorable. But I hold back.

"Cher, I think I know what I want tattooed."

"You do?"


(A/N Brats im back and missed yall. Thanks so much for giving me a reason to come back anyways. I've gotten far in the plot for Pure so stick around for the other problems and situations that arise. Thanks.)

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