Fourteen - Something Different and Something Missin'

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Fourteen – Something Different and Something Missing


I lay next to Cher, staring at her as she’s sleeping. She looks so hot in her pajamas. I just thought that. God. I’m a little scared; because when I look at Cher it feels a little different now. I used to smile because I liked her, because she makes me happy, or because she’s pretty. But now, I guess it’s the new feeling I felt a little after I said I loved her; and I understood after we kissed a few times last night. I think I want her. But the truth is I don’t even truly know what it means. I mean, I know what getting her would involve; but I don’t think I get what this means for me. Are Cher and I coming to the average 20 year old relationship? I hope not. I wanna be without all that; maybe our relationship is better without all the steam. But maybe we are missing something.

Either way I don’t think I want to share a bed with her anymore with the thoughts I’ve been thinking. That’s what the original Liam that still lives in me says; but the other one, the one I hate to say I’m becoming now wants me to stay. So I don’t leave her bed.


When I finally wake up at a reasonable time about 5 hours later Cher’s eyes are still closed. She looks cute. I lean over to her and peck her face and find she’s actually awake.

“Hm?” She moans.

“Nothing, you just look cute right now.”

She opens her eyes and turns over to face me.

“You think I’m cute?” She asks tiredly.

“Yeah; although you’re lots of other things too.” I can’t help but blush.

“You’re cute too.”

I want to kiss her. I’ve felt this way before; but mostly I wanted her to kiss me. But this time I wanna do it. I lean forward and press my lips against Cher’s kissable lips. I set my hands on her waist as she puts her arms over my shoulders. I feel Cher’s lips moving against mine and something in me feels irritated. Like it’s not enough. I move forward pressing my body against hers. I can’t get any closer, but I try anyways. And once my hips hit hers she pulls away from me.


“Yeah, um, would you like to go to the market with me today?” She changes the subject.

“Uh sure; I guess. Could we do that after breakfast?”

“I like to eat breakfast there. It’s really fun.”

“Okay; just lemme get up and dressed.”

“Of course.”

Cher gets out of bed and goes to her dresser. Then she grabs a few articles of clothes and leaves to the bathroom. I take advantage of the situation and get dressed myself. But I’m gonna have to wait for Cher to get out the bathroom before I brush my teeth though. That part stinks. I sit on what is now my side of the bed and wait. I like sharing a bed with Cher. She’s a nice person to cuddle with because she’s small and warm; she makes me feel safe and comfortable. I know she’ll take care of me. But I wonder if she feels the same way about me. Things are feeling a little different now. It’s like I don’t want to be her “Little Li Li” anymore. But I do. I love the way Cher talks to me.

I like how she makes me breakfast, how she makes me feel better when I’m sad or scared, and the way she smiles at me when I’m talking. So why am I feeling frustrated? I don’t know. Cher comes out the bathroom shortly and I trade spaces with her to brush up my teeth. And the same thoughts don’t leave. What’s wrong with me? I try to ignore my “feelings” and finish up in there. When I come out Cher’s sitting there waiting for me. We leave her flat and walk out to my car sitting in her parking space. Now it finally has a use.

We silently drive out to the city for the market. I usually don’t like staying too quiet around Cher. When we’re together I like to talk to her about my day and stuff and I like seeing that Cher’s listening. But now there’s a lot on my mind. Cher is pretty and I’m noticing; like actually noticing. And I’m not sure I am proud of it. It makes me not wanna look at her; but it’s hard to look away. Even now that I’m driving. She’s really distracting looking, she always has been. But it’s never made me want to kiss her. And the crazy part is that it’s at its worst when she’s not doing anything at all. I mean when she’s like, straight faced and barely moving.


“Yeah?” I answer.

“Are you okay? You don’t seem to be.”

“I’m fine; you’re just, starting to look so pretty.”

“Thanks, but that’s no reason to be sad looking and acting.”

“I know; I’m just a little uncomfortable with it.”

“Liam you’re 20 years old. You’re gonna have to this way sometime, and, to tell you the truth I don’t understand how we could last in this relationship forever if we don’t attract each other physically.”

“You wanna stay forever with me?”

“Yeah I do. You make me happy Liam.”

“Me too Cher.”

She takes my hand and holds it in her tiny one. I really love her.

“Lemme buy breakfast for you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. It’s time I pick up the bill.”

“Okay, sorry for emasculating you.”

“It’s fine bear, it has nothing to do with it. I just wanna stop busting your wallet.”

(A/N So, it seems Liam grew some beans. I’m gonna write a good amount of this part of the story in Liam’s POV I think it’s time we get into his head. He’s so cute. Anyways, I don’t remember if I told you this already or not but, I’m working on a new Chiam called Detention. Expect to see it sometime next year.)

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